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Thursday, April 21st 2011, 10:49pm


How come weve been told we were 4x more than magmar and magmars have much more guards ???…18&mode=members…91&mode=members

Idk...And dont tell me humans are nicer....Eventually and as magmar guards are more into pvp it create an disbalance we really dont need...IM waiting an answer that make some sense and could explain they got 10 more guards than us...Ty

 wanderer84 [13] 

Head Guard Magmar

Posts: 618

Occupation: Being Handsome

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Saturday, April 23rd 2011, 1:04pm

As you have heard Human Guards have went through big changes during the last months.

The Numbers you state are for reasons most of which are related to the actual functionality of both Orders.
Further information cant be explained to players in this manner of Forum.
Yet personally i expect Human Guards to have new additions to their team when Head Guard for Humans decides so.

As for the ''imbalance'' in PvP which is created from Guards as you say ..That doesnt exist.
Unless if you consider 6 Non elite warriors much of a ''threat'' for the balance of the game...

For any further enquiries, Kenshin as Head Human Guard will be able to answer you to his discretion as i m not certain how many things can be explained from me on his behalf.


i have a bottle of hope that keeps my heart sedated..


Saturday, April 23rd 2011, 8:05pm

Thz for answer and the disbalance BETWEEN order of guards related to pvp does exist im sorry...IM not saying its changing the tide tho....


Tuesday, April 26th 2011, 12:03pm

The number of Guards we take on each side is only due to the number of guards we need at a certain time. We cannot take into consideration any gameply related consequences,