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Sunday, November 27th 2011, 9:39pm

thoroughly annoyed now

Am starting to get so fed up with this game now, the problems are getting out of hand and you need to do something drastic about it before you start to lose more players

Last night due to server crashes I took damage to my belts amongst other items, these are not cheap to repair, and now today, i'm taking more damage to my gear and one of my belts in need of repair yet again and this is before the fight is even finished, I then take more damage as the fight finishes, i'm suggesting a little compensation is in order
this is the link to the fight in virigiya, the only fight i've had since i logged on, the following two links show the screen shots during the fight of my gear taking damage and at the end of the fight taking more damage....

Please don't piss your long time players off more than they already are…t=1&server_id=0

Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance


Monday, November 28th 2011, 4:05am

the first one said attack on tatt so you will probably find if you look maybe on the boat or virigiya you were attacked by iggy or human the moment you moved/started fight with Mcby, in which case admins will say this is not a bug and is just unlucky


Monday, November 28th 2011, 9:12am

well considering i didn't die on the boat, there should have been no damages, so this is definitely a bug, and if the admins do not care about this then they are worse than looters and thieves
Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance