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Sunday, April 17th 2022, 6:51pm

1. I told Samuel / Pymen I broke my leg in two places. He told me to stop going to those places.

2. What kind of noise does a Gredeya’s / Brugilda vehicle make? Brroooom, brroooom.

Posts: 52

Location: France

Occupation: Stuff

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Sunday, April 17th 2022, 8:22pm

1 Knock knock!
Who is there?
Elder Verkiry
Elder verkiry is in the lock let yourself in.

2. Naked hunting and gathering was always an integral part of any young warrior's training in Feao. The spring of 2022 was no different. The young warrior's stepped out into the beautiful spring weather to collect their resources or to practice fighting veteran demon hounds with their mounts. This April though the gods had played a particularly strange trick on the residents of Feao.
THEQueenOfSheba Reached out to grab the sapphire she had been working on and stepped back to hold it up to the light. Not looking where she stepped she stepped straight onto a shard of some glass like material. 20:15 Received: Resource Gatherer’s Orb shard 1 pcs.
Honestly the littering in Feao is quite dangerous!
Of course you are....and I am the Queen Of Sheba.


Sunday, April 17th 2022, 9:17pm

1. What is the best remedy to counter Kort/Torgor's problems with rusty armor he complains about during April Fools' Week?
Style items!

2. What are so many hardcore players doing in Fay-Go outposts?
Picking diamonds!
... ...
... ...


Sunday, April 17th 2022, 9:23pm

1. Imagine game without lags xD
2. What will you find at the end of Rainbow Lands? The letter 's'


Sunday, April 17th 2022, 10:15pm

1. One of many variants of a rhymed popular story told to all the children around the Faeo:

An Eldrick walked into the Tavern and asked
-Do you have some grape juice? -which was quite abstract
-No, we don't have any grape juice in here,
but we are so famous for our schiz-beer.
The Eldrick looked at her with sparks in its eyes,
just to take breath and state: Nice, good-bye.

Then the next day an Eldrick came back,
with a question which made Mery snap.
-Do you have grape juice today?
She said: Yesterday answer's the same.
Eldrick said: okay.
And flew on its wings away.

Another day, Mery was in a pretty good mood,
when by the entrance she noticed that dude...
She knew exactly what is she going to hear,
and that was each time the Eldrick appeared:
-Do you have any grape juice? - It asked with some cheer
-No, dear. And here is a deal...
She was angry but sincere.
-If you come again and ask me this question again,
With nails and a hammer I'll give you some pain.
You'll hang on this wall and be target to darts.
Then the Eldrick went away. But just till very next day.

-You'll never learn...- She stated.
An Eldrick was staring at her, so she waited.
-Dear Miss, do you happen to own hammer and nails?
-What?- She was shocked... So that's where she fails.
-No... No, I don't have them. - She said as she looked down.
-Great!- The Eldrick started dancing and flying around.
-And no more time to lose,
I have to ask: Got any grape juice?

Why did Sorena get expelled from her school?
Her grades were always below "C".
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here


Monday, April 18th 2022, 12:35pm

Pkhadd Bear walks into a Tavern and says to the bartender Mary:
Give me a......................................................... beer.
Why the big pause? asks Mary.
I don’t know, I was born with them - says the bear.

What’s the difference between a gambier and Iguraon?
They’re both pink except for the Iguraon.
If you need Mentor's assistance please check


Monday, April 18th 2022, 1:54pm

Why dragons doesn't want scalps anymore ?

After all that years they found out that they bring evil.


Monday, April 18th 2022, 6:26pm

1 . Sheara I remembered her different

The excuses of the players who suffer a defeat are so many, it is never their fault if they lose!Let's not fool ourselves. Everyone, more or less, has at least once made use of one of these 5 excuses to justify a bitter defeat:
1 This game is full of bugs!
2 The game has changed, it was better before
3 the keyboard or mouse did not work
4 The opponent is a hacker he cheatedLast but not least we have one of the most feared specters by online players, lag
5 LAG as well as one of the hottest excuses at stake and the mother of all excuses. Whatever provider you have, any type of line and configuration, it doesn't matter. There is always this annoying latency to ruin every single online game.

If we players were all Zen Buddhists it would be easy to manage every lost game with serenity, perhaps analyzing the mistakes made and trying to draw a lesson from them.
but no ... and do you know why? Because online gaming (yeah come on, you have to admit!) Tends to turn humans into pissed-off werewolves.

Risultati della traduzione


Monday, April 18th 2022, 7:27pm


1. An army of Kretches suddenly invaded the Dartrong Square. The Elder Verkiry out of Panic are asking the young Warrior. Elder:"Oh dear, what are we gonna do young Warrior". Young Warrior: Old man, how many times do i have to tell you, remove the Lump of Cheese from the Dartrong Shop -.-!

2.A Veteran Demon Hound were attacking you! Out of Panic you were looking for an old fossil in your Backpack to throw in order to Distract this puppy to run away safely. Then you realised you allready sold them on Auction Hall :noo: :truce:


Monday, April 18th 2022, 7:49pm


1. Do you know what is better than hex? Shrex

2. What rhyme with players rats? Craps


Monday, April 18th 2022, 7:52pm

Golats The Vampire walks into Dartrong Shop and asks for bread.
The clerk recognizes him and asks: “Aren’t you a vampire?”
Golats replies: “Yes, I am.”
To that the clerk responds: “Well, then I have much better stuff for you than bread. Butcher brought fresh blood sausage, Kodrag liver, turkey blood, pork blood - whatever you want!”
The vampire says: “No, thanks. I’ll just take the bread.”
The clerk, surprised, asks: “Pardon my curiosity but why bread? I never imagined vampires liked bread so much.”
Golats leans closer to the clerk and conspiratorially whispers: “There is a huge mage fight in Dartrong. I want to dip.”

Chigrik The Thief broke into my estate yesterday night to search for my gold so I woke up to help search as well :king:


Tuesday, April 19th 2022, 11:54am

The beginnings of training young warriors.
The Chief Kort asks the inexperienced fighter:
Where did so many kretchs bodies come from? You just learned to fight!
Apprentice: From a warrior of the Intense clan!
The Chief Kort: Does he know about it?
Apprentice: Yes! I just got away from him.

2. It is a mem:


Wednesday, April 20th 2022, 4:27pm

1. A human, a magmar and a Iguaron walk into a bar. The bartender says: "Welcome friends, can i get you anything?" The human replies:" I would love a celebration punch, so i can strike fear into my enemies on the battlefield!" The bartender fetches the punch. "And for you?" he says to the magmar. They reply: "Just get me a big pouch of salt, so i can scatter it later, after my crushing defeat." The bartender, although a bit confused, puts the pouch of salt on the table. He turns to the Iguaron: "What can i get you?" The Iguaron replies: "GWWAAAGAGAGAAAAAAA" , stabs all three of them and steals their money.

2. How can you tell the difference between a lvl 2, that only just discovered the game, and a lvl 2, that is a veteran player returning after a long break? The Veteran lvl 2 has already visited every location of the opposite race and complained at least once in main chat, that you can not leave the starter village at lvl 1 anymore.
(If you are offended by the first joke feel free to let the human and the magmar switch places ;) )


Thursday, April 21st 2022, 2:11am

Why dragons doesn't want scalps anymore ?

After all that years they found out that they bring evil.


Why there is no eldive or kroffdor marriages in the world of Faeo ?

Because we made them heartless.


Thursday, April 21st 2022, 11:12pm

Some bad dad jokes

what do Maeli the Mermaid wash their fins with -Tide

What does a zombie[4] vegetarian eat -Grrrraaaiiiiiiinnnnnsss!


Friday, April 22nd 2022, 12:20am

How do chaos creatures say goodbye? GunglXOXO!

Where do you find info about foes in Faeo? Bestiary. And where do you find info about friends? Bestie-ary!


Friday, April 22nd 2022, 5:40am

EVENT] Month of Jokes »

1) Coming from a fierce battle :knight: , I say to chief kort, I have returned from the people of the south, from your enemies the Magmar :stronger: .

to which the Commander says, Magmar? :shock: They have never been my enemies,,, :shock: to what I say, right? ,,, well now yes! . :drop:

2)I was walking through the dayligth square :horse: ,,, and I see the wife of a member of my clan with the craftsman ostap :woot: ,,, I keep walking and in the delvays square I see my friend and I tell him :glance: ,,, I have seen your woman with ostap... and he tells me.. don't worry my wife went to put horns on my barbarian helmet... :drop:


Friday, April 22nd 2022, 12:08pm

1)What does Flavviy the WiseandPandrik the Wise have in common? They both NEED glasses because they can never find important things from our piles of paper -_-

2)This is a joke I heard from the Drowned Girl when i was visiting human land:
Boroj.....Blub! BOIJROJBOJB.. BLurb blob BLBO BLOBB. Blob blbob bloob BLob . BLob blbloblbo BLOOOBB bLBOBLB
wow haha so funny!....Maybe I should have ate some dillyweeds before listening to her joke

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