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Monday, March 4th 2019, 2:49am

battlefields queue

it would be great if we could see the queue for the battlefields while we are already in line.


Posts: 542

Location: I am inside your house

Occupation: Don't know who I am anymore

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Monday, April 15th 2019, 4:38pm

FACT: I'm 100m away from you.

S̸͍̻͓͆ͅŢ̸̙̪͔͈̜̪̏̓͊̆̂̔͌̇͆̉A̴̢̺̥͍̬͈̻̦̫͜͠ͅR̵̛͕̲͖̜̦̭̦̪͙͍̍͆̓̔̾̍͘͝͝Ț̴̯̺͓̿̈́̉͌͌ͅ ̵͖̲͕̰̎͐̓̋͂͗̈̅̀͛͑͘̕͝Ř̸̡̡̻͖̖͛͐̇́͐̉̍̕͝Ứ̴͈͓̗̙͙͎̝̻̬̀̇͛̿̏̉̓̈́̃̊͗Ņ̸̦̬̬̭͍͚̦̞̰̇̎̔̍̀͑̑́͑̓̌͘͜͝ͅŅ̴̑́̅̍̒̿I̷͈͍͌͐̋̾̌̅́̏N̸̥̯̦̗̱̲̙̆͗̀̆̐̒̉͆̀̉́̅̈́̕͝ͅĢ̵̡͕̣̻̬̗̘̖̜̙̳̔̀̌͑̐̈̑͂̂̇͠!̵̡̂̍̕!̵̢̨̻̖̰̳̘̻̗̜͖͒̉̂͂̑!̷̧̢̛̪͕̪͈̲̭̱͌͒̀̾̉̈́̽͒͛̿̀̚̕͠

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Posts: 1,998

Location: Turkish Paradise

Occupation: Master of Satire

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Monday, April 15th 2019, 5:28pm

Thank you Kanye, v e r y c o o l i d e a.

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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