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Wednesday, November 26th 2014, 9:51am

Author: Jahcore1

Always in my memories and my heart

Nous nous sommes rencontré pour la première fois dans les fights Inter-serveurs il y a quelques années– toujours une belle surprise de te retrouver dans l’Arène ou dans les caves! Puis, pour mon plus grand bonheur tu as rejoint notre serveur lors de la fusion pour finalement me retrouver dans le même clan que toi et partager des bons moments. En me connectant hier soir, je m’attendais à tout sauf à « rencontrer » quelqu’un de ta famille par qui j’ai appris cette triste et funeste nouvelle. Tu no...

Tuesday, November 5th 2013, 6:45pm

Author: Jahcore1

Faeo Gazette

oh my God thanks for the laughs... keep it up this is simply brilliant!!!

Tuesday, March 19th 2013, 1:17pm

Author: Jahcore1

Stephane Hessel is dead

to the 2 of you... you have written hillariouse and great comments in other posts... i just dont understand what went wrong in this one... Dont worry for me i take it very easy! you should too!

Tuesday, March 19th 2013, 11:49am

Author: Jahcore1

Stephane Hessel is dead

And last but not least… to you mister so called Stephan Hessel what kind of a sick mind are you? Did you think at all before doing this pseudo joke? You must have been so excited when you came up with that great idea… creating a character with the name of a close friend of Azazel who died recently… They day a close friend (if you have any at all) of yours or a member of your family passes away (and believe me I wish this to happen as far away in time as possible and mean no harm to them) make su...

Tuesday, March 19th 2013, 10:54am

Author: Jahcore1

Stephane Hessel is dead

Dear Azazel, I took good time to read your answers and lost time to read comments from idiots such as Carpediem and Fairy tale... Clearly what you write makes sens... but some people are just so full of them selfs and frustrated litles gits that they will do everything and anything to spoil good threads and intelligent thoughts... maybe they just want to do maximum comments in order to achieve forum troll rank... makes them feel they are "it" The clear lack of respect seen here makes me wonder w...

Sunday, March 17th 2013, 8:26pm

Author: Jahcore1

Stephane Hessel is dead

Dear Azazel, Excellent post... I read it with attention and can only say you are right and offer us a usefull solution to our "problems". Just a pitty it is waisted like many other good posts by immaturity... I hope it is not just a drop in the ocean and that people will take time to read it and apply in everyday life. Speak soon and I will let you know if we come up with anything usefull, santé à toi mon cher, J.

Friday, December 14th 2012, 9:50am

Author: Jahcore1

Secrets of the Past and the Future

Hey I am trying to do the quest for new lands but am blocked... I have spoken to all 8 characters and received their notes (8 in total i did check!) however i can not hand them to Aquazurion. he tels me to come back when all 8 have been collected. Is this a bug or did i forget something? Please be so kind and help me out! Thanks J.

Sunday, January 15th 2012, 10:10pm

Author: Jahcore1


same here... really frustrating on client cheers for having a look at it!

Saturday, September 10th 2011, 1:43am

Author: Jahcore1

How on earth did i get this injury

yup i was there and confirm... no idea how this is possible!