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Friday, October 19th 2012, 1:05am

Author: -_-HouseMusic-_-

True or false

TRUE! We (players) want red armors and weapons next Trade Fair Of Wanders

Monday, October 8th 2012, 3:01pm

Author: -_-HouseMusic-_-

The official Faeo Quiz!!

What is the name of the great slaughter from the dwarfs against the gnomes? The Incessancy Who is the strongest creature in Faeo? Yvil What are the two dragons called? Erifarius and Striagorn Who created the universe of Feao? The Creator What are the names of the gods that created humans and magmars? Gods Egos and Vulcan What is the sun of Feao called? Mirrow Which race was first to live in Feao? The Chosen What was the reason that started the war between humans and magmars? The Assasination of ...

Thursday, October 4th 2012, 2:21pm

Author: -_-HouseMusic-_-


ahaha chowek vaobshte ne sam se zagledal da ti kaja... po princip gledam samo city pub... Lugeorgiev zdravei

Thursday, October 4th 2012, 11:50am

Author: -_-HouseMusic-_-


Леле... аз колко сам назад... вече една година играя и се разкарвам из форума и за първи път виждам че си имаме нашо местенце еми айде здравейте и от мен