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Friday, February 26th 2016, 4:25pm

Author: LavaInMyBlood

Article 1c/1d

§1.(с) Creating/using a character to circumvent a ban of another character That means it’s not allowed to play with other (already existing) characters if you have jailed one. Same with creating new characters, and if you want to play – you must pay curse on jailed character and keep playing and follow the rules. §1.(d) Using a game character to circumvent game limitations That means it’s not allowed to use one character in purpose to talk in chat (if your previous character was gaged), same wit...

Friday, November 20th 2015, 1:42pm

Author: LavaInMyBlood

UUHhHhhH Gggg orRR rAAaAAaAa rrAa Rrrrrr arraa mMMRRrR RrrAA rrAAaaaa rRRAa!!

mRRRRrrRrR raaAA Ooooo RRaaaAaAa Rraa Rrrrrr raaaa RaaAaAAa rraaa raA UuuRRrr ###### MRRR UuRrrr grr RAAAAaa uRrRr GrR aaraa RrAaAA mrRRrrr RRaAAa rAAa RAaAaaA mmrRrrrRRR RRAaA MmmrrR Grr RAaa RraAaA Rrrr rraa RrRaa Gggg ara raAA rrrAaA srrR RraAa nuurg rAAAA!! and for those who still not bited by zombies: «Cleansing Fire» my favourite part of event "November Liche". For players 3-5lvl best quests for Mithril palms(for this moment): «Burial Rites», «The Hunger», «Cleansing Fire», «Fight for Dead...