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Saturday, November 12th 2011, 1:22pm

The end of the Rainbow error

Hi I recently found a typo while reading over ''The Journey to the End of the Rainbow'' event description.
Let me pull down the quotes in which I found the error:

Phase 1:
Find the area of the colorful rainbow where the expedition begins. During this phase only warriors of the levels 1 and 2 can go through the magic portal to the colorful center. In order to do that they need a rainbow fragment. As soon as they have reached the colorful center (tghey) must collect as many rainbow crystals as possible in order to disenchant the portal so that warriors from level 3 can use it. tghey is the typo :bee:


Sunday, November 13th 2011, 2:36pm

There's actually alot more of spelling errors on the event description as well, I think it should be looked over. It's not a big deal but I guess it's an error. *shrug*