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Sunday, December 11th 2011, 6:08pm

The deadline has passed for submitting tournament applications

whats this msg?
we tryed to queue at the time
and after us till now mags still can queue but we cant


Sunday, December 11th 2011, 6:14pm

The deadline has passed for submitting tournament applications.
I cant queue either, and there are 3 battlefields going on at my level.


Sunday, December 11th 2011, 6:16pm

i cant queue tu turnament(
The deadline has passed for submitting tournament applications.
Received: Tournament of Worship pass 1 pcs. Removed: 3.


Sunday, December 11th 2011, 9:19pm

cc tournament

why don't we get the feats in here cause i did the 113 green feat and never got the stuff for completeing it because it does not say that you can not complete them so we should get the stuff for completing them after all it is a CRYSTAL CAVE TOURNAMENT


Sunday, December 11th 2011, 9:23pm

and i cant get the head of the immonyans


Monday, December 12th 2011, 4:56am

i've killed all 10 immos too and not get to complete feat!!!


Tuesday, December 13th 2011, 2:31am

hello admins are you here i would like to know the answer to this?


Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 2:12am

Cave Event Over, but Charged When it said it wouldn't

I was going through the script for the Cave Event for last weekend, it said it would not charge me so kept going through script. Afterwards I find myself 1 gold lighter. So it took the gold when it said it wouldn't AND it's of no use since event was over. I was merely killing time while waiting to transfer. Please review and I would appreciate the 1g reapplied.


Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 12:05pm

Please read here.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels