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Tuesday, October 2nd 2018, 8:43pm

all these years, and this feature has yet to change jesussss


Wednesday, October 3rd 2018, 2:11pm

If my math is good, then counting in silver coins 5.000s/100*0.05=2.5s
It gave you right amount of ingame money, but it's too little, not worth to freeze 50g to get 2.5s, that's your actual point I think.
Better find other things to invest your gold to... :money: profession :mine:


Wednesday, October 3rd 2018, 6:26pm

i calculate if befor 2years or so - you can make arround ~227g per year if you make deposits with 0,05/4/3% with the max. possible amount(500g) over the whole year .

Why not ;) ?


Wednesday, October 3rd 2018, 11:56pm

i calculate if befor 2years or so - you can make arround ~227g per year if you make deposits with 0,05/4/3% with the max. possible amount(500g) over the whole year .

Why not ;) ?

That's 62 silver per day, that's sick.
Invest that amount on your character and hunt - You will get MUCH more back by just hunting or even by just collecting higher level resources (Because if you invest 500-1500g on a low level character the RIGHT way - You can increase their daily income in game by far more degrees).


Friday, October 5th 2018, 5:23am

i calculate if befor 2years or so - you can make arround ~227g per year if you make deposits with 0,05/4/3% with the max. possible amount(500g) over the whole year .

Why not ;) ?

That's 62 silver per day, that's sick.
Invest that amount on your character and hunt - You will get MUCH more back by just hunting or even by just collecting higher level resources (Because if you invest 500-1500g on a low level character the RIGHT way - You can increase their daily income in game by far more degrees).
Yeah if i had 500g atm i definitely would not be investing it in the bank, especially since its still at the same percentage its not even enticing, 500g could definitely get a lower level player a lot of places if you invested into them rather than if they leave it sitting in that bank.


Saturday, October 6th 2018, 10:49pm

I used to laugh at the bank deposit idea, but I actually use it now days. I don't care about the paltry amount of money it earns, it's a good place to "hide" the money so I don't spend it impulsivly, like throwing hundreds down the black hole or into chests or mirrors. At times I wish there were more than just 3 deposits available.
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report :bllll:


Sunday, October 7th 2018, 1:57pm

If you can't control yourself...