Dear players,
due to several inconvenient happenings during the transfers between servers or race in the past few weeks we like to ask you to pay attention to the following procedure:
BEFORE submitting a ticket with your request:
- ON YOUR OWN delete all characters from you friends/enemies list.
- If your character is a member of the clan, you should leave it.
- When the character is transferred to another race, his/her appearance is changed randomly, later you will be able to change it.
- If a character has a wife or a husband they should be getting divorced before the transfer.
- All achievements for discovering locations will be deleted.
- In you applicatoin tell us which charms do you have installed. (Example: Scroll of Return to Dartrong Magic)
- If you have a Legendary character its transfer is discussed separately.
- Make sure all loans are settled and paid
- In case of marriage, apply for divorce to settle any possible imbalance before the transfer.
Further it might speed up the process if you also announce your request about your transfer to guards at the same time you submit your ticket. Like that they can already do the necessary checks and call your account clear for transfer.
Thank you for your understanding!