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Saturday, December 17th 2011, 9:01pm

no valor

I have 6880 valor points before cc......

19:48 To forced conclusion of battle "Crystalline Caves" remaining 4min.
19:48 You have lost the fight. You have received Valor.
19:48 All the negative effects of the battle have been dispersed.
19:48 Battle "Crystalline Caves" ends with the score [511 : 331] (won Magmars). View results.

But not get any single point of valor....and i am under Potion of Valor 2h 26min

And quest finished

19:49 You have completed the quest A lost signet.
19:49 Received: 500 experience, 7000 Valor and 25 Underground Knights reputation. Seized: Obscure seal 1 pcs.
...again not get 7000 valor and still have 30 underground points, so not sure but 25 UK reputation points also missing....



Saturday, December 17th 2011, 9:54pm

ok, now i got it...14300 valor, that it is !!