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Wednesday, October 20th 2010, 3:32pm

A cart that according to game is actually a well...

14:22 You inspect the well, which turns out to be rather neglected and home to a most unpleasant smell. It also happens to be full of woodlice, some of which have crept under your clothes while you were crawling around inside the well. Received: Weetsa the Woodlouse 3 pcs.

I get this in Dead Cove, and there is no well here, it is a cart that I am getting all these weetsas from, the well is in Sleepy Valley...

And when I try to get more than 12 weetsas, the error message says:

You've decided to stop plunderering the wells for a while because you've started to attract the unwanted attention of the locals

Again, it's not a well... and there's a full stop/period missing at the end :beeee:


Wednesday, October 20th 2010, 4:16pm

It is actually a well.