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Wednesday, January 11th 2012, 6:56pm

you have screwed up

as the title says, i deal with bugs, fine - but this is absolute bs - idc if you ban me from forum or whatever. last straw i tell you - i go into a CC as a levle 3 - look atme, bloody levle 6 - what the ... is this?…077911&finish=1

seriously? i could do f*** all in that CC cos i didntw ant to abuse bugs...only little fights as they attacked me. you know what- it ruined my 3 win streak so far - what the actual.. is this? fix this. or honestly - this is last i play this game, idc - other problems in game, i emailed support BEFORE christmas, guess what - no reply; i was locked out of game 3 days back in december, what happens 'we are sorry for inconvience' - sort this crap out i say, just cos i dont paypal, doesnt mean im absolute **** ok? tons of times i contact you in game, saying spare 5 mins, what happens? you do **** all. so now pls prove yourself- fix this crap


Wednesday, January 11th 2012, 7:03pm

this is really scared :(


Wednesday, January 11th 2012, 7:09pm

17:50 <STRONG><FONT color= ff0000>Congratulations! You have advanced to the next stage inside the first level. Your reward is 3 silver.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Congratulations! You have advanced to the next stage inside the first level. Your reward is 3 silver.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color="#ff0000">Congratulations! You have reached the second level. Your attributes have increased and you have received 5 silver and the knowledge of a new super blow. You have now found your feet in Faeo and no longer need the young warriors' blessing; therefore it has dispersed.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Congratulations! You have advanced to the next stage inside the second level. Your reward is 4 silver.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Congratulations. You have achieved a second upgrade. You receive 4 silver coins.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color="#ff0000">Congratulations! You have reached the third level. You are now stronger and faster and as a reward have received 70 silver and the knowledge of a new super blow. On top of that, you can now learn a profession by visiting the Guild of Artisans in the City Square.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Congratulations! You have advanced to the next stage inside the third level. Your reward is 60 silver.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Congratulations. You have achieved a second upgrade. You receive 60 silver coins.</FONT></STRONG>
17:50 <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Congratulations. You have reached level four. Your attributes have increased.You have received 80 silver coins. You have received access to a new super-blow. </FONT></STRONG>Install the game client[href=] - and it will become much easier and more convenient to travel around the world, fighting various enemies and evil monsters.

gold i recieved for levelling - can have that back...


Wednesday, January 11th 2012, 7:11pm

another bug: mind unlocking my superblows? ive got just the level 1 one...everything else blocked with ? - level 5 and 6 ones dont appear on list of accessible ones


Wednesday, January 11th 2012, 7:18pm

experience: -86.88% | ok, so technically xp-wise im level 4 - physically appearance wise im lvl 6...


Thursday, January 12th 2012, 2:26am

That... is scary...
There's no time to play anymore....


Thursday, January 12th 2012, 10:41am

Could you please send us a .cl file of the chat you posted above to