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Friday, March 16th 2012, 2:24am

Mysterious Ailment [5] quest glitch

My daily quest for city charters, the level 5 one called Mysterious Ailment cannot be completed. I received a message that i killed enough demon hounds to fill up the flask of blood. However, my flask is stuck on half-full, and no matter how many veteran demon hounds i kill, it simply doesn't fill up. I did this quest a dozen times before, and i needed to kill 8 hounds, as i remember. Now, i killed more than twice that (19 or 21, i lost count). I get these messages
After killing the Adult Demon Hound you don't delay and immediately take the flask from your backpack. You ladle the predator's blood into the flask and close it firmly.
But nothing's happenning.
I'd decline the quest and start over, but it's undeclinable for some reason.
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.