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Friday, March 27th 2015, 7:08pm

"Gizedor's Task"

I spent a while getting the required items for this quest (and I wont state what the items were because I'm pretty sure that would ruin the point of it being a puzzle), but I went to turn the quest in and the quest giver had a new quest (Gizedor's Task), which was pretty weird since I already had a quest. So I thought that I would just go and accept it then give him the items... nope. It gave me the quest again and removed the items I needed to give him from my inventory.

So, I'm wondering... Is this a bug or am I just missing something? It's really been quite annoying since Demon Hounds are a pain to kill for me :/


Friday, March 27th 2015, 7:10pm

Oh wait I realised it's a continuation. Feel like an idiot. :p

Can get rid of this.


Monday, September 7th 2015, 1:34pm

me to
please help me

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