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Wednesday, October 11th 2017, 12:53pm

12:51 The battle « Chaotic battle» is over.
12:51 You won in the Chaotic Battle.

All good things come in threes...ehm 10 i mean :D


Saturday, April 28th 2018, 12:24pm

This isn't necessarily a response to you Akyr, as I'm personally very impressed by your streak, but I figured I'd make this just in case some don't know how it works, as I'm 99% sure it's either this or something very similar.

MS Paint's finest work I'm sure (I swear I'm not a child and can draw sixes most of the time)


Saturday, April 28th 2018, 5:11pm

I know someone who made a green set after having a losing streak just like you. It worked well for him, i guess, at least he was not losing chaotic as much as he did before lmao.

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