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  • "Blood-slayer666" started this thread

Posts: 152

Location: Germany

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Tuesday, May 9th 2017, 6:28pm

Pages of the manuscript

These have been added quite a while ago but I still have no idea what purpose they serve, and asking mentors about it didn't really yield any useful information either so I was wondering if anyone has a clue on what they are used for and where you find all of them, thus far I only found 4, this is quite likely to be some incomplete kinda mystery that has missing set pieces, wouldnt be the first time.

3rd page of manuscript , found in gurraldiy korr instance by clicking on something in the background

7th page of manuscript , I think I got that as part of the big saving korlak questline when you go into the secret vampire dungeon on faygo by clicking around but I cant remember for sure :cry:

10th page of manuscript you get when you reach 5000 influence in the swirling isles

16th page of manuscript you recieve during a side quest of the big lvl 10 questline

If anyone found more and can still remember where you got them post it here~ maybe we can get all of them together


Wednesday, May 10th 2017, 5:09am

As I've searched many times on ru server, all the info I found for them is that they are for 'planned' quest that is not yet up. No idea if there will be such and if so, when it will be...
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Wednesday, May 10th 2017, 1:59pm

Probably never happen, just like we never got the rest of the King Eloha's quest, even though it was completed on other servers.
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Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 6:59pm

I found 7th in white castle

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