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  • "_-The Punisher-_" started this thread

Posts: 323

Location: Romania, Bucharest

Occupation: Law School Graduate, looking to further studies and become a judge.

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Monday, August 21st 2017, 6:59pm

Diamond borrow

Hello, I was wondering, how can we increase the amount of diamonds the banker is willing to give us on a loan. I recently paypalled quite a few diamonds (let's just say more than 1000 :pie: ) and my limit is still 77. If I follow the link specified by the banker, which is
I don't see our .com game anywhere in that what gives? will this change? :clubbing:


Monday, August 21st 2017, 8:32pm

It may also depends if you pay loan back in a time,before you get money-changer curse.


Tuesday, August 22nd 2017, 12:40am

The more you buy the more you can borrow and as Groot said the better you are at paying back the more you can get....
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:

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