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Monday, October 9th 2017, 3:33pm

84 level 16

Ok, I know some of them are inactive, etc....but there are right now 84 level 16 players in the game and yet, chaotic doesn't go all the time, crucible almost never, no battlefields, this weekend, for double valor meridian, none were done, etc...

Come on, what are you guys spending your time? hunting?

Let's get this moving...wake up and stop.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Oct 9th 2017, 3:39pm)


Tuesday, October 10th 2017, 4:10pm

this is the part that kills me:…19&server_id=10

Abyss is pretty much the only thing going. as you can see, those brave mags are showing up in abyss because they are 7 or 8 if not more every fight against one or two humans....way to go mags....

But yet, no choatics, no crucible of war has started in the past few days...meridans not happening either...nothing...

Stop being pvssies and queue up for chaotics, crucubles and other don't have to buff and you will get more valor than these joke of abyss you guys gang bang on. :woody:


Tuesday, October 10th 2017, 5:16pm

send them all gifts in game, and figure out their reasons why they dont.. or maybe they want to they just need to know you are in que or will participate and they might also,, a lot of times when i play tallars, i notfiy people who dont even look like they play for valor, but once i let them know, they are all for it, and even play the whole day..

so could work out for you in your bfs you want to get running.or atleast come to conclusion why many choose not to and learn to accept it :lol:

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