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Saturday, October 14th 2017, 5:29pm

Meridian Vaults

Any Meridian lv16, 17 18 and 19 still 01.10 00:08

Bug or not Players?


Saturday, October 14th 2017, 6:41pm

maybe other servers not connected or something


Saturday, October 14th 2017, 9:04pm

every saturday x2 valour....
3 server and no 8 people... really funny :lol:


Saturday, October 14th 2017, 9:32pm

i think its bug. not even 1 merdian for more than 1 week. on non level. IMPOSSIBLE

wonder how admins would compensate this failure )) of just pretend nothing went wrong )

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

Posts: 423

Location: A galaxy far, far away

Occupation: Magic tricks

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Monday, October 16th 2017, 1:55pm

This was fixed yesterday evening. Let us know if you encounter any further issues.
Lisad | Community Manager

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