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Saturday, February 24th 2018, 2:53pm

Treasure Hunters map quest after 3000 Rep.


Little Question to ppl. who reached the 3000 Rep. at 16 (and/or all other who knows it :p).

When i become 3000 Rep. at Treasure Hunters (in 16!) is it after still possible to become maps/fragments over the quest "Map of fire paws" ?
I remember that i reached the 1000 at lv10 and after the quests to get maps/fragments wasnt available anymore.

Feel free to share your knowledge with me ;)



Saturday, February 24th 2018, 11:48pm

Yes, the quest is still available.


Sunday, February 25th 2018, 9:59am

Yes, the quest is still available.

thanks aka :beer:


Sunday, February 25th 2018, 11:27am

The quest I talked about is called Map from fiery paws.

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