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Monday, April 30th 2018, 6:57pm

Lisad, make...

Make other way to do immonians feat please, because I don't know why, but people never go to caves! Last time I had caves more than ONE YEAR GO, and other team was doing immonian feat, and NO CAVES AFTER THAT! Maybe for example base guards in temple would count?


Monday, April 30th 2018, 7:21pm

All you need is one caves for that feat, gather team and queue, lvl 5-6 CCs can happen.
I'd more agree on changing arena badge feat, but not this one, it's too easy, sorry ^^



Monday, April 30th 2018, 7:38pm

TheRiddle leave the thread please! You fail my ideas just to fail them, with no reasonable arguments! So just leave! :woody:
Also I don't know what you said now in the thread because you're ignored, but according to your previous selfish posts - you said something like "No one should be able to do immo because you weren't able to do it". :woody:


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 6:24pm

Lisad, I'm sure so many other people also can't do immonian feat because they never have caves, you really should do something about it.


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 8:29pm

Level up, Immo is easier than even wins in a row or 113 in CC.
CC's are there, not many, but then it'd be better to make something to make more CCs run, like magical storm. But not change feat to easier just coz someone is too lazy to queue or level up.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 3:36am

I was very lucky to get in and have random but strong team, and I completed immo feat.
But I see no one else is concerned with this problem. Thread can be closed.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 5:36pm

Riddle, I knew you're stupid and selfish, but not that much!
I unblocked you just now, no idea why I did that, but I did)

1. I could reply to your threads even thought you were blocked because other poeple quoted your posts, if you weren't bling, if you opened your eyes just once, you'd be able to see it!
2. I didn't ask for easier immo feat, I asked for other way to do it! If you can get in caves just once in 1-2 years, then how can you do the feat? Let's imagine I waited 1 year (wait, I really did) enemy team was stronger and they failed me, I have to wait another freaking year only for another chance to do this feat? If you're that stupid and don't value your time - I'm not stupid, and I do value MY TIME!
3. Level up to get in caves? I can level up, but can you guarantee that I get in caves when I level up, and that whatever is the reason why we have no caves at level 5-6 will not happen on level 7+ ? No you can't, because you have no freaking idea what is the reason why we have no caves at level 5-6!
4. It' a little offtopic, and you won't agree with me because you have no relation to my third profession so you know nothing about it, but good exe stays on a level untill exe is capped, and the higher is level the harder it is to raise exe, and I don't want to be (sorry, guys, nothing personal) like these guys who rushed to level and now have exe level twice less than cap level (all level 19 have exe 300+ when cap is 700).

Have you "splendid ideas" poison other people, they won't affect me!



Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 5:53pm

Why I said level up? because you can have equal caves for example :D

"good exe stays on a level untill exe is capped, and the higher is level the harder it is to raise exe"
This is such a lie, who told you that? I got friends that took exe on high mage levels and easily got to huge skill of exe

It's your own choice to stall, CCs happen on higher levels more often, it's your choice to not level up and do them. Don't look for other way just because you don't want to try that way.

For the record: I'd appreciate if you didn't insult me.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 6:08pm

good exe stays on a level untill exe is capped

I guess all the good exes on this server are level 10 and under, and thusly should deserve all the exe business unlike those pretender mages that dare call themselves executioners. I shall thusly resign my profession posthaste in response to this, as retaining it with a level of less than or equal to 299 is bringing great shame to my already shamefully noobish profile. My thanks to the super-genius Fox Face for enlightening me on this day, a true hero in these dark, dark times.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 6:12pm


This is such a lie, who told you that? I got friends that took exe on high mage levels and easily got to huge skill of exe


1 Akarulez [17] 363 (cap 600)
2 0gan [19] 343 (cap 700)
3 mystic one [13] 339 (400)
4 Store [19] 328 (cap 700)
5 cerrahoglu [19] 326 (cap 700)
6 --Lucifer-- [16] 320 (cap 550)
7 _DeSt_ [19] 316 (cap 700)
8 Acro [19] 308 (cap 700)
9 -Adana EjderHaSI [19] 303 (cap 700)
10 Infection [16] 301 (cap 550)

They give high level injury, but they can't raise it as easy as on lower levels.
There's simply higher valor ranks with higher antitrauma that makes it harder to raise exe.
(For example) When I level up, I will have to inflict level 3 injury to have chance to raise exe, but I won't give level 3 injury to champions and gladiators with 20+ antitrauma, so I can't raise exe on them.
What's trauma/antitrauma ratio? Antitrauma defends from injury or lowers injury level received, how much trauma an exe needs for a certain antitrauma level to have chance to raise exe? I don't know that ratio, but it's obvious that the higher is antitrauma the higher exe is neeeded to raise exe.
You don't like to think hard, huh?


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 6:22pm

Mate I have one sentance for you: You don't need to give maximum wound to increase exe prof.
Don't know who feeds you with that stuff.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 7:38pm


Mate I have one sentance for you: You don't need to give maximum wound to increase exe prof.
Don't know who feeds you with that stuff.

You're wrong.
From other, higher level executioners, yeras ago, before I created Fox Face, and I was executioner that time too. And also from websites. I always liked my tird profession so I talked about it, and I read much about it.

You think I'm wrong? Find info about this profession and read it, butter from more than one source.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 7:57pm

You need to give wound, it doesn't have to be highest possible wound.
So check your sources, since you checked years ago they are probably outdated :)

Anyway it doesn't matter, what matters it's your choice to stall for whatever reason you do that.

I am done replying to you :) From today I'm done feeding trolls.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 9:37pm

as far as i know it enough that executed person should be +/- 2 levels or same level as yours to get +1 to exe,if you are about it


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 9:41pm


You need to give wound, it doesn't have to be highest possible wound.
So check your sources, since you checked years ago they are probably outdated :)

Anyway it doesn't matter, what matters it's your choice to stall for whatever reason you do that.

I am done replying to you :) From today I'm done feeding trolls.

You really think such an old thing like profession would change with time? :lol:
Maybe you'll say now hero, geo and fisher also changed with time? If your herbo mastery is 60 you don't need to pick blue plants, pick grey plants only? :lol:
And you stopped doing what? You're troll #1, you even beat Shylask who was talking in every single thread no matter if it concerned him. Feeding trolls)) You made laugh as loud as I never laughed in my life! :lol: :cry:


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 9:51pm

as far as i know it enough that executed person should be +/- 2 levels or same level as yours to get +1 to exe,if you are about it

That's 100% info, and what about antitrauma?
Mentors website says much about it, and I have no reason to doubt that info. There are a few more websites though.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 10:10pm

Your memory must be very foggy if you don't remember a single one of the many changes professions have received, like when recipes dropped from mobs and level 7s farmed kretch guides, when a level 15 alchemist could make collected green plants, etc.

As seen in the profession screen for executioners:

"You will be able to increase your skill level by delivering blows; in other words, with every successful blow you land, you have a chance of increasing your skill level" (blow obviously being bad translation for injury)

So unless this is a lie, you don't need to inflict your maximum injury for level to have a chance for an exe level. It does say further down that if the opponent has antitrauma there's a lower chance to give a +1, but I doubt it has a big effect considering how easy it was to get exe level up to around 100, and it's gotten slower and slower since. As far as I can tell the chance is just lower when your exe level gets higher. Exe level is not much more than an epeen measuring tool anyway, everyone and their gran has Lyran's or some other way of removing any injury easy peasy, I only even got it myself because I was nagged until I did. I want my 30g back. :tease:


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 10:16pm

Liam, why you chose only that info to whow here? What about "You should also keep in mind the level of resistance to injury of your victim; the greater the difference between your skill level and the resistance to injury of your victim, the less likely your skill level is to increase." ?