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Thursday, November 29th 2018, 8:41am

dear administration

can you please stop transferring german players here, send this money hungry people on human side, we don't care about balance :puke:


Thursday, November 29th 2018, 11:20am

another one? whos new in mag town this time?


Thursday, November 29th 2018, 6:02pm

provocation and racist against a group of people... a shame if this if going to be tolerated!

everyone knows how Acro is trying to destroy others game....
on de server its desfinitely not allowed to do these game destructive things

and now she found this new way to hunt people :clap:
btw the people who transfer their accounts are people who are holding this game ( they are active, unlike Acro, and they pay.... just saying.... you should be thanksful ;) )


Thursday, November 29th 2018, 6:08pm

shame on me ._.

i am giving her the attention she is asking (pardon yelling) for...
we ignored her in game and now we the active community cant even take a look around in this forum without seeing hate, racism and provocation against a group of people :no2:

and then we are still asking ourself why this game is a ... how do people like Acro call it? "dead game"? ... puhh


Thursday, November 29th 2018, 6:10pm

when everything i do in a game is to spread hate and destroy others game... i would call this game a "dead game" as well :drink:

 LE LOUP [17] 


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Thursday, November 29th 2018, 8:18pm


you did 6 post in tota,l 4 of them are here to criticize "Acro" then you write : "everyone knows how Acro is trying to destroy others game...."

Then i think that acro is right, why are you getting ppl from DE when we have some hums who wants to become mag in com server. Make it free and without restriction for humans who wants move until we have a perfect balance hum/mag.

I'm volunteere to move mag side :embarressed:


Thursday, November 29th 2018, 9:14pm

hey you....

someone else has to be blamed, run to be first to do it and get clapped by entire forumcommunity seeking for revenge
404 not found


Thursday, November 29th 2018, 9:28pm

sry guys i didnt get your point ?(

why there are coming ppl from de to com?
maybe because these players are doing something for the balance ;)
nothing against your level, but when we are talking about "balance" in this game it`s a thing for level 19 and maybe 18 :xmasparty:

BUT thats not what Acro is talking about, she searched for a reason to talk bad about ppl who realized what she is doing :teacher: trust me or not, magmar side knows what i am talking about :woody:


Thursday, November 29th 2018, 10:37pm

This guy's buy other players accounts, running killing random people for fun...ask to pay if you join Shaissar bird to gain rep and will tell me about rules or destructive action )

get lost kid)
Please keep them on DE, dont get it why we always get some losers insted of good players .well:

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Friday, November 30th 2018, 9:04am

The so called "balance" might as well be done within this exact server, there is no need for others to join here from other servers. Especially when there are people waiting in queue to transfer to magmar side from humans. Here is something for the record since nobody wants to address the elephant in the room: As soon as those people come here which clan will they join? Who will they stick with and what will they do? I think all of us know the answers here, as soon as they come there'll be another storm of bullying others to oblivion because you don't want anyone to be stronger than you.

No need for demagogy, no need for lies. As you said, magmar side knows what you're talking about.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, November 30th 2018, 2:32pm

Server transfer is a service available to all players of all servers and administration decide whom to transfer and why.

This thread will be closed now.