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Monday, October 3rd 2022, 11:21am

hand of the sky

I have suggestions for this area to be active

First of all, the amount of money falling from the mobs inside should be 4x 5x times.

Then, since the participation will be high, the condition of participating in the wars invisibly should come.

If this is the case, I think there will be a lot of participation and it will appear in many functions that will benefit the clans.

Currently, many products are waiting empty in the clan market, they are not bought and used because there is no material, I think that it is necessary to update the battlefield there in order for this place to be active.
The most important factor in this is that the money should be high so that it is attractive.
If you have ideas, write and let's discuss


Monday, October 3rd 2022, 12:32pm

1 hour protection will come at the end of the battle for those who join the fight and will be protected from attacks while hunting

Those who do not participate in the fight will not be given protection

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