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Tuesday, March 26th 2024, 3:45pm

Problem z odpaleniem blogoslawienstwa z BC - kesari

mam problem z odpaleniem blogoslawienstwa Kesari na sobie samej = mam kult BC, jestem po wlasciwej stronie przy obu kultach BoV i BoE. Nie działa mi przycisk „uzyj” na zwoju. Probowalam kupic Aladee niebieska i zwoj działal normalnie. Fioletowe polewki tez dzialaja normalnie.

Prosze o rozwiązanie problemu w mozliwie jak najszybszym terminie.


Saturday, March 30th 2024, 7:31pm


You have been contacted by KuroNikki about this issue. We also checked the video you sent and suggested alternative ways to solve this problem but the problem is still not solved.

We recommend that you contact "Support" with your conversations with KuroNikki.
We are looking for new Mentor Candidates. If you are confident in your knowledge and like to help, you can apply HERE !


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