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Sunday, January 9th 2011, 6:26pm

UK badges - problem

When going to hand in 5th arena badge to Cabur I only get a screen that says... well done on 3 victories.... only option is to continue and then I get a screen that says I do not have that badge.

I cannot hand in the 5th badge... do not get options I used to see.

Can someone please help. Other clan member - Yuxel - does not have this problem.


 wanderer84 [13] 

Head Guard Magmar

Posts: 618

Occupation: Being Handsome

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Sunday, January 9th 2011, 11:42pm

Use Admin Section for such issues.
i have a bottle of hope that keeps my heart sedated..


Monday, January 10th 2011, 3:38pm

Can this be transferred or do I have to add again?

Please advise.



Thursday, January 13th 2011, 12:39pm

Raised with admin and problem fixed... Please close