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Saturday, December 3rd 2011, 7:00pm

Trade Chat Glitch

Not sure if this has been reported before but it has been going on for as long as I can remember.

When chatting, u just click the name in the chat window and u continue to speak with them... but when u enter a trade, this function will mess up. U click the name to continue talking and it wont work, right click wont work and if u click the arrow next to the name it will scroll to the very top of ur chat window..... But some of the names still work, you have to click on them all to find one. This is very annoying while trading that you sometimes cant chat at all.

Anyone else have this issue?? I have heard a few in game complain about it so I wanted to make a post, thanks!


Saturday, December 3rd 2011, 7:13pm

Ya i find this happening to me as well, tho i do account for it now, it would be great to have this glitch fixed


Saturday, December 3rd 2011, 9:45pm

Same happens with me as well :)


Monday, December 5th 2011, 10:34am

We'll have a look at this issue, however I am not sure this is something that can be fixed.