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Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 5:07pm

Whine about something worth whining about and brag about something worth bragging about


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 5:20pm

Whine about something worth whining about and brag about something worth bragging about

Please don't make me find all your posts and criticize them all! Trust me, I can find irrationality or absurdity in most of them! Yet I didn't do it simply because you have right to whine and brag about anything you want, you're free to do that! So don't tell me what to do! Or you're one of that kind of people who think their crap is better than other people's crap? I find all said here worth whining and bragging, if you don't - just walk away!


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 5:34pm

Seeing as I've been asked to exe you a fair few times I think the general consensus would be that you're an annoying little (insert whatever here) :)


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 5:47pm

Seeing as I've been asked to exe you a fair few times I think the general consensus would be that you're an annoying little (insert whatever here) :)

What did you expect when you exed me? I had to be grateful, glad, or appreciating it? No matter if it was order or not - you killed me, and it's natural that I didn't like it! And you didn't just take order on me, you took it because I'm knowingly much weaker than you, and you thought it's easy gold. You wouldn't take order on Acro, Store, 0gan, or Sleth! Also I think there was no order really, you asked someone somewhere else - on skype, on facebook etc. - to give you an order on me to have an excuse for killing me when guards ask you to prove it was an order and not a violation of new rule! So it's a big question who is a a little (insert whatever here)!


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 5:57pm

T-DeAdLY-J noob exe, leve 18 with exe a little over level 9 exe cap :lol: You've just proved what I said earlier is truth. :lol:

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Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 5:58pm

so, a lvl 8 with no rank, no belts, and green (unimpreoved) armor is by default stronger than a lvl 6 fully armed? that's it, you go on my ignore list also... your post smell too bad already
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 5:59pm

1. I am level 6, level 8 is stronger than me, level 8 doesn't need help, even if level 8 has negators of unarius on, simply because level 8 had more health points and more strength.

Wait...what??? :shock: :shock: :shock:
You just come here and tell us: "Hey im soo slick that I go in Haunted and i attack lvl 8 players, and I can kill them if another level 11 doesnt join...."
Then out of a sudden, when someone tries to fights you in reasons, you just go "whatever, they are lvl8, cant kill them..."

Your logic its really messed up... ;(


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 6:09pm

1. I am level 6, level 8 is stronger than me, level 8 doesn't need help, even if level 8 has negators of unarius on, simply because level 8 had more health points and more strength.

Wait...what??? :shock: :shock: :shock:
You just come here and tell us: "Hey im soo slick that I go in Haunted and i attack lvl 8 players, and I can kill them if another level 11 doesnt join...."
Then out of a sudden, when someone tries to fights you in reasons, you just go "whatever, they are lvl8, cant kill them..."

Your logic its really messed up... ;(

I didn't say that, your logic is messed up. I said other thing! I guess I have to tell you the way you'd understand it.

For example: You are level 7, you are stronger than me, and you proved it a few times killing me. Would you call a level 11 if I attacked you? Yes, of course I have a little chance to kill you if you unblock and I stun you, but in general - you need no help to kill a lower level, so you wouldn't call a level 11 to help you.
That guy call level 11, even though he needs no help, or level 11 thought level 8 needed help to kill a lower level, anyway I din't them cowardly.


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 6:12pm

@ Dzaak
This post by: Dzaack (Today, 5:58pm) is hidden, because you ignore user Dzaack.

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Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 7:50pm

so, a lvl 8 with no rank, no belts, and green (unimpreoved) armor is by default stronger than a lvl 6 fully armed? that's it, you go on my ignore list also... your post smell too bad already

You shouldn't, is intresting to watch other people whining about normal stuff that happens around that for them seems the worst thing that could happen to them. :stronger:
@Fox Face i attacked mag and many times some high lvl mag added me too, but you see, for me is enough a :"dang i got added by a ... lvl mag, no more scalp for me :beaten: " in alleance chat, rather than a pretty trashy post that make all people around watch me as i am a bit ... unaware of reality :drink:
But hey, this is only my opinion, everyone do what he want to :beer:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Tuesday, August 15th 2017, 8:41pm

Is that what Dzaak said? :lol:

Dear mister Dzaak, why you think that level 8 has no belts? Did you see no belts on him, or did you ask himif he has no belts? Even with green unimproved armor he has more health and strength than me, and he has red weapon, why you think he is weaker than me?

Are you people F serious? I don't know about you all, humans, but even if I'm naked with no belts and no life potion and level 4 human attackes me - I will not call for help! It's a shame if I do!


Wednesday, August 16th 2017, 12:32am

@ fixy foxy

the only thing ,that nerving you is only,that some mages from the enemyrace do all,that you recieve NOT 1 scalp after he next

thats normal,my art to play is little the same,i like killing enemyrace with this acc and on neutral zones like plateau the islands or the underwaterworld is this really simple,that ALL levels help the own race

dont forget fixy foxy.......a normal part of the game

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Thursday, August 17th 2017, 11:44am

20:20 citale920 [19] has used the Solumir's Mirror to sever the soul from the body of lol666 [7] .
wait a sec, i forgot to open a forum post to whine about this as fox :lol: :stronger:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Thursday, August 17th 2017, 12:30pm

i can make a thread 4 you :lol:

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