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  • "Beuwolf" started this thread

Posts: 244

Location: At home

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Friday, November 12th 2010, 12:55pm

Trading Journey Event List

In the event list for the Trading Journey if you click at the bottom on the link:

You can find more details on the events here

The link connected to HERE redirects you to the information about Kroffdors

Also, in the News Section about the Trading Journey the link at:

The participants of the expedtion also need provisions for their dangerous journey. You can hand in resources and you will also get IOUs. You can find a comprehensive list of all the items you can exchange in the library.

IOU's in that sentence redirects to the german description

So does the next IOU's link below that paragraf. Actually, 4 of the redirected links through the IOU's redirects to the german description.


  • "Beuwolf" started this thread

Posts: 244

Location: At home

Occupation: Shuffle people

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Friday, November 12th 2010, 12:56pm

Ops.. seems like links to the german WoD don't work.. its the below link that it is redirected to. (Hope it works like this though)

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