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Monday, September 2nd 2024, 7:46pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

01-02-03-04 05-06-07-08 09-10-11-12 13-14-15-16

Monday, July 1st 2024, 12:31pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

01-02-03-04 05-06-07-08 09-10-11-12 13-14-15-16

Friday, June 7th 2024, 3:03pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Cool client! What I noticed as bug is: When you log in from ".com", opening the player-info + effect it works fine, but if you log in from ".de" the effect-tab fails to open the player-info from ".de", so it just shows the main page from ".com". Probably its linked to the ".com"-page, not to the page you logged in.

Saturday, April 27th 2024, 1:03pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

01-02-03-04 05-06-07-08 09-10-11-12 13-14-15-16

Monday, October 30th 2023, 11:00pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

01-02-03-04 05-06-07-08 09-10-11-12 13-14-15-16

Thursday, September 28th 2023, 9:00pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

01-02-03-04 05-06-07-08 09-10-11-12 13-14-15-16

Saturday, September 2nd 2023, 5:14pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

01-02-03-04 05-06-07-08 09-10-11-12 13-14-15-16

Thursday, August 10th 2023, 10:56pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

Requests for The Memorial Wall

Please add to the list our loved members: xX Mengsai Xx ZauberRose May they rest in peace.

Thursday, July 27th 2023, 11:05pm

Author: _-Sauron-_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw

01-02-03-04 05-06-07-08 09-10-11-12 13-14-15-16