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Saturday, August 31st 2024, 1:31pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

help those ''forgertful'' players to remember their provocations

9)If a player intentionally falsely accuses an enemy raider of violations of the attack rule, after provocation, they will be punished with the curse for attack rule violations. why is this rule never applied? plzpzlzlzp it sucks that we high levels have to always keep the screenshots and lower level still have a free attemp to screw us as they won't be punished. i'm sure if the rule was applied, these players would not ''forget'' their provocations. plzzplzzpzllzlzl do something

Saturday, June 3rd 2023, 12:56am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw

06-19-20-22 11-04-47-17 25-26-33-10 36-13-09-43

Tuesday, April 25th 2023, 3:17pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

Quoted from "carpediem666" of course you need gromdrag to kill me. you got a lucky stun on your fight. mine was pure skill. what i use to kill you courage or power or vampire is noone of your business. dont mess too much with me or i come and kill you again noob. i need gromdrag to survive the stun, if i knew i hadn't food i would have kept the block on. you're not even among the strongest lv 12s

Tuesday, April 25th 2023, 2:50pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

yes, i can agree you are no ''ordinary'' level 12 i just copy paste my gift as one day it will expire and i'm lazy to write something again, so people will know the true story: just stop with this, you killed me with courage elixir with a lucky stun, you were full bless and i had negatives. it was a case it happened i was out of gromdrag food in that battle, but killing me doesn't make you stronger or cooler. why don't we talk about the battle before, in which i had buyaka, destructor, 2 gehenna...

Monday, April 3rd 2023, 11:49pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

i thought someone here was a hardcore player, but i was wrong. do you know why high-paying monsters are in neutral (shared) locations? just hunt kroffs if you want no challenge

Tuesday, March 28th 2023, 11:11am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

Quoted from "John_B_" After all, both Goku and Fire Bird are multi It's no secret. wow, you must be the genius in your family

Friday, March 24th 2023, 1:30pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

me and fire bird are saving money to buy race change certificate, but cost of living raised too much and state subsidy money is not enough to paypal anymore... please help us we wanna switch to mag side

Wednesday, March 22nd 2023, 6:07pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

you're right, it shouldn't be my business if people have bad style of playing, but still anyone here can confirm that naked hunting is not good anymore since at least 2015

Tuesday, March 21st 2023, 6:10am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

Quoted from "-Lashrack-" Quoted from "-GOD GOKU-" people blame me but you all should say me thanks, really someone is still hunting naked in 2023? Since I'm new to the game,and the diference in $ is big to my country, I have to. You don't need cause you're old to the game, but new players have to. simple as this =). I'm not talking about using real money, I'm just saying you should hunt monsters with your armour, not your mount, just a friendly advice

Tuesday, March 21st 2023, 3:28am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Goku is poor

people blame me but you all should say me thanks, really someone is still hunting naked in 2023?

Tuesday, February 28th 2023, 12:10am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

03-06-08-10 12-15-19-21 23-25-26-28 33-36-46-47

Monday, January 9th 2023, 11:55am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

allowed or not

Quoted from "-Becky_Lynch-" u are soooo funny.... not grow up lil kid please go hunt in scolopendra coast i wanna help your mount against the bad pearly scolopendras, it looked tired the last time

Sunday, January 8th 2023, 5:04am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

allowed or not

If you don't like it go play "Peace of Dragons" or "Farm of Dragons", they are great games I heard

Thursday, January 5th 2023, 6:04pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Human atacks on Underwater

looking for someone willing to join our team to defend human territory (azure lagoon) from hunting magmars. note this is a full time job

Sunday, December 18th 2022, 2:36am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Human Attacks In Isles

Quoted from "Resmmeee" Quoted from "-GOD GOKU-" 100% agree, isles are the only ''battlefield'' left rn, and often in 2h i can get 2/3 scalps max staying there all the time invis and attacking level 20s too I mean there might be some other reasons you are getting that few scalps, just saying please don't cry too much…d=2311633389633

Thursday, December 15th 2022, 8:21pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-


fix the lags, hunts have to be stalled MANUALLY

Monday, October 3rd 2022, 5:55pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Human Attacks In Isles

100% agree, isles are the only ''battlefield'' left rn, and often in 2h i can get 2/3 scalps max staying there all the time invis and attacking level 20s too

Saturday, September 3rd 2022, 12:33am

Author: -GOD GOKU-

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

12-31-24-48 07-06-42-33 18-01-19-22 17-32-45-09

Sunday, June 13th 2021, 4:13pm

Author: -GOD GOKU-

Matchday 14th of June, 2021

Scotland 1 : Czech Republic 1 Poland 2 : Slovakia 0 Spain 2 : Sweden