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Monday, August 26th 2024, 7:51am

Author: EmperorKing

Rescue of Orlufia

For anyone else struggling to find it, you can hunt him in the hunt screen. Watch out he has 700+Hp, hits hard, Id suggest buffing, a full set of green/blue, and some phkkhads maybe 5 three barely helped me

Sunday, August 25th 2024, 2:43pm

Author: EmperorKing

Restrictions / Balancing

Hello all, long time fan of the game and its devs. Bring back Jugger Game for real, aka Juggernaut Online MMO RPG. However the reason I'm here is due to losing half of my Valor to abusive practices in the Battlefield - Specifically Crystalline Caves. Its no news to people that it is difficult to operate or complete valor quests in the battlefields, however when you have players being allowed to camp the Crossroads of the enemy team, with no real serious consequences, it ruins peoples ability to ...