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Search results 1-20 of 25.

Thursday, August 29th 2024, 11:06am

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

08-12-49-27 04-13-23-30 16-25-37-42 29-40-44-22

Monday, July 8th 2024, 11:07am

Author: Bleeder

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 20-21

Spain 2 : France 1 Netherlands 1 : England 2

Sunday, June 30th 2024, 6:07pm

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

03-23-33-15 10-13-28-30 04-08-19-21 01-27-32-40

Friday, June 28th 2024, 7:42pm

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

16-20-35-12 28-05-36-43 07-11-17-20 09-18-32-48

Friday, June 28th 2024, 7:40pm

Author: Bleeder

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Get some extra points ...

Teams in Final France vs. Spain Winner Team of the Tournament Spain

Friday, June 28th 2024, 7:39pm

Author: Bleeder

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 14-17

Switzerland 1 : Italy 3 Germany 2 : Denmark 1 England 2 : Slovakia 0 Spain 3 : Georgia 1 France 2 : Belgium 1 Portugal 2 : Slovenia 0 Romania 1 : Netherlands 2 Austria 1 : Turkey 2 Please adhere to the form (see introductory post) / Bitte Form einhalten (siehe einleitender Post) This post is INVALID and will NOT be counted !

Friday, June 21st 2024, 3:34pm

Author: Bleeder

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchday 10-13

Switzerland : Germany 1:1 Scotland : Hungary 0:1 Albania : Spain 0:3 Croatia : Italy 2:0 Netherlands : Austria 2:1 France : Poland 2:1 England : Slovenia 2:1 Denmark : Serbia 2:1 Slovakia : Romania 1:2 Ukraine : Belgium 1:2 Georgia : Portugal 0:2 Czech Republic : Turkey 2:1 Please adhere to the form (see introductory post) / Bitte Form einhalten (siehe einleitender Post) This post is INVALID and will NOT be counted !

Monday, June 17th 2024, 9:24pm

Author: Bleeder

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 6-9

Croatia 3 : Albania 0 Germany 4 : Hungary 1 Scotland 0 : Switzerland 2 Slovenia 2 : Serbia 0 Denmark 1 : England 2 Spain 1 : Italy 0 Slovakia 2 : Ukraine 0 Poland 2 : Austria 2 Netherlands 1 : France 3 Georgia 0 : Czech Republic 2 Turkey 1 : Portugal 2 Belgium 2 : Romania 1 Please adhere to the form (see introductory post) / Bitte Form einhalten (siehe einleitender Post) This post is INVALID and will NOT be counted !

Monday, June 10th 2024, 8:54pm

Author: Bleeder

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchday 1-5 Germany 1 : Scotland 1 Hungary 1 : Switzerland 2 Spain 2 : Croatia 1 Italy 3 : Albania 0 Poland 1 : Netherlands 1 Slovenia 1 : Denmark 2 Serbia 1 : England 2 Romania 1 : Ukraine 2 Belgium 2 : Slovakia 1 Austria 1 : France 2 Turkey 1 : Georgia 1 Portugal 2 : Czech Republic 1

Sunday, June 2nd 2024, 3:37pm

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw

03-04-12-13 23-28-29-30 41-15-20-09 07-22-33-47

Tuesday, April 30th 2024, 11:02am

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

34-35-40-44 12-23-28-46 10-20-21-32 22-27-38-45

Wednesday, February 28th 2024, 3:06pm

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

16-18-20-30 03-13-14-34 08-12-23-36 07-22-42-43

Monday, January 1st 2024, 7:02pm

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw

09-13-23-44 02-33-37-42 12-19-21-22 17-24-30-40

Thursday, December 7th 2023, 5:55pm

Author: Bleeder

[DECEMBER EVENT] Winterwonderland!

Ein Winterreim besonders fein -vorzulesen bei einer besonders flackernden schönen Kerze- in Feo´s Leben, die Weihnacht bringt Segen. Das Kerzelein, es brennt besonders fein, stammt es doch aus dem Lande der Magmaren, von denen, die einst dort waren. Die schwarze Magie, wirklich heller war sie nie. Also stimmet mit ein, auf den weihnachtlichen Reim, denn dieser Winterreim ist besonders bitterbös fein.

Friday, December 1st 2023, 6:06pm

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

12-13-23-48 01-04-33-40 27-31-44-45 07-17-22-42

Thursday, October 26th 2023, 3:37pm

Author: Bleeder

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

22-23-36-49 03-13-14-30 12-18-33-40 15-21-29-43

Tuesday, October 24th 2023, 8:24pm

Author: Bleeder

Someone forgot October Seasonal Event?

wenigstens eine Antwort , wenn auch inhaltlich nix neues .