Search results
Search results 1-12 of 12.
Saturday, August 8th 2020, 8:07am
Author: lost soul
[AUGUST EVENT] Location Hunt
1 berona ranges 2 luan cost 3 barrow of death 4 temple of water 5 Terror wharf 6 kroffdor war camp 7 zviglod grove 8 wasteland of rest 9 deep sea valley 10 settlement of faytir 11 graves of the poor 12 white reef 13 ruins of khor-abselon 14 lost wastelands 15 haunted place 16 dead cove 17 wyvern crossing 18 ridge of kayar 19 tentacler valley 20 Eldive outpost
Friday, December 27th 2019, 12:32am
Author: lost soul
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw - Holiday special!
1-3-6-8-10-11 13-15-16-19-20-21 22-24-25-28-29-30 32-33-36-39-42-45
Sunday, April 14th 2019, 1:04pm
Author: lost soul
Stuck in fight?…t=0&server_id=0
Saturday, December 29th 2018, 6:50am
Author: lost soul
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw - Holiday special!
3-24-17-39-5-45 2-1-21-23-34-49 10-15-20-42-36-8 27-31-37-33-22-11
Friday, August 31st 2018, 12:07am
Author: lost soul
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September Draw
16-34-9-10-48-26 1-45-17-32-41-22 3-18-24-29-11-37 2-8-12-35-27-30
Friday, August 3rd 2018, 12:48pm
Author: lost soul
[ITEMS] Shadow: Armor style
Personally i use bonecrusher for my shadow because the damage done by shadows is great so adding the bonecrusher crit rate is great Also wanted to have a mix up from having my personal dodger set.
Sunday, July 8th 2018, 9:47am
Author: lost soul
[ITEMS] Runes & Bezels
The use of runes and bezels are to improve the stats or individual pieces of armour. In regards to rune there are a few types. 1. some from the aresenal for providing speed/ antitrauma stats 2. most, are made by jewellers nto improve charter stats such as strength, dexterity, intution, protection etc. in regards to bezels. some can improve stats, some can give magic defence/attack in protection/penetration. some can assist in improving resource picking. The difference between runes and bezels is...
Sunday, July 1st 2018, 6:04am
Author: lost soul
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw
29-10-30-6 11-5-8-47 35-42-6-33 21-19-46-30
Saturday, April 14th 2018, 11:15pm
Author: lost soul
[EVENT] Magic Mirror
Instead of wasting your money on the mirror i recomend sending that money to me so it can be better spent
Friday, March 2nd 2018, 8:09am
Author: lost soul
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March Draw
17-32-26-14 45-3-36-1 10-31-11-42 21-33-28-49
Tuesday, February 6th 2018, 8:08am
Author: lost soul
[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February Draw
26 - 17 - 38 - 9 45 - 31 - 1 - 11 15 - 40 - 5 - 29 42 - 36 - 19 - 20
Sunday, December 17th 2017, 10:48am
Author: lost soul
[RULES] Complaint Function
The complaint function is used when a player breaks the chat rules in open channels, (clan and alliance channels are usually not bound by these rules unless expressly written in by each clan/ alliance) things such as swaering, flooding too often, trade in main channel are all examples of reason to use the complaint function. as for how to: simply right click on the time that the chat was spoken in your chat box and click complain, easy