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Saturday, January 7th 2023, 5:42pm

Author: rybak_427

Human atacks on Underwater

Hello KingPin : I was here before you and we used to fight everywhere we could...No rainbows , no unicorns .... War There was a Polish server There will always be toxic players. The game should be fun/satisfactory. If it's not there, it's worth looking for a new game. You will not get support here on the forum. It's only when the server shuts down that you'll wonder why. Regards

Sunday, January 2nd 2022, 7:56pm

Author: rybak_427

Lag after last update, please fix!

Where is the bonus for buying diamonds? you don't want to play. Admins are losing players !!!!!

Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:47pm

Author: rybak_427


Hello I do not understand the proceedings of the Administration regarding non-magical levels. You lost your server (PL) because you managed it badly! Now decisions completely detached from reality. Why aren't you consulting the players? Only when the players quit or play less (20lv) do you start doing something. Nobody will play against players who have everything and only come in to spoil the game. As 5 years ago it was written on the forum of the Polish server about the guard that will support...

Wednesday, August 18th 2021, 7:08am

Author: rybak_427


Hello No limits, killing every active player. Faster server will shut down . 10 second fight - you call it a fight ? There used to be a different game mechanic and there were fewer bloles. Pozdrawiam

Friday, June 25th 2021, 11:13pm

Author: rybak_427

Senseless attacks

Hello @Chelle Do not worry There used to be such a Pl server and due to similar management it started to die out . All problems related to this were reported by players. Before the administration started to fix it, it was too late. The passages proposed by the Administrations were for the players on the side of the People and it was useless . Now we are here and there will be a similar problem. The Cobra Commander player proposes that you invest in your character Great advice just won't change a...

Monday, April 19th 2021, 11:06pm

Author: rybak_427


Dzien Dobry Nie uczestniczyłem w żadnych ustawianych walkach , chyba że wieczny wpierdziel to ustawka przez 10 lat. Proszę nie pisać że na Pl severze talary są równoznaczne z brakiem efektu. Niszczenie w tej grze społeczności poprzez tworzenie narcyzów jest tym samy ze nie będzie Epickich bitew juz nigdy . Gra już dawno powinna zmienić nazwę z "Wojna smoków " na Partyzantka Smoków na bolesach . (każda walka to lista wzmacniaczy i wielkie ego Gracza ) Dobry kierunek bo jeszcze możemy scalać com z...

Sunday, April 11th 2021, 5:26pm

Author: rybak_427

For the admins

Hello I agree with the com player. I will add that on our server, we also wrote to the Administration. The answer was that the Administration did not know Polish. In my opinion, the Administration has no idea for this game, despite the players' comments. It does not inform about the economic and technical reasons. Fighting is a guerrilla fighter. Promotions are a disappointment. 5 years of writing on our PL server taught me that the player has to pay and that's it. It will be the end of this gam...