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I just did a rainy & the ground/water in the hunt screen went white!
Then about 15-20 minutes later the client froze when I attacked a mob.
I crapped myself but managed to back out of client & restart it to proceed with the fight that had started.
Nearly had a brown trouser experience as it had me twitching again
On a serious note - please sort out all the inherent bugs in this game but more importantly tell the QA staff to focus, or pay them a little more to do their jobs correctly. If there is QA staff at all
Then about 15-20 minutes later the client froze when I attacked a mob.
I crapped myself but managed to back out of client & restart it to proceed with the fight that had started.
Nearly had a brown trouser experience as it had me twitching again

On a serious note - please sort out all the inherent bugs in this game but more importantly tell the QA staff to focus, or pay them a little more to do their jobs correctly. If there is QA staff at all

Last night
Last night happend to me same thing,
game kick me out, lost internet conection, try to log in, no internet conection, but i had conection...
I launched client, which ask me to install new game launcher MGLauncher, when finished again couldn't acces in game!!
Naither, cannot access to game, with client, nor any browser.
Went to sleep....
Today around 12 h server time, could access with client, which work awful, with neither of browser cannot access in game, just get screen like this:
I like to play with browser, so make it possible, PLEASE!!!!!
Tried with Edge & Firefox after posting earlier. Login page was exactly the same i.e. not fully loading.
News, Library & Forum loaded perfectly on both. Weird.
Spent hours reloading client stuff - I have no idea why I thought that would help the browser - yet I loaded up the game just now & everything works!! Coincidence or what![]()
Come on guys, tell me you did something as I have no idea what the heck happened but it screwed my routine up for sure
I'm going to blame windows 10, because why not![]()
Last night happend to me same thing,
game kick me out, lost internet conection, try to log in, no internet conection, but i had conection...
I launched client, which ask me to install new game launcher MGLauncher, when finished again couldn't acces in game!!
Naither, cannot access to game, with client, nor any browser.
Went to sleep....
Today around 12 h server time, could access with client, which work awful, with neither of browser cannot access in game, just get screen like this:
I like to play with browser, so make it possible, PLEASE!!!!!
No idea why mine came back as I did all sorts of stuff. Updated browser, cleared cache & cookies etc etc etc.
Then I updated client which took ages (why? if the game still loads super slow), cleared chache etc etc etc.
With the time it took to update (90+ minutes) and all the files it updated I would expect everything to be there on my PC for the client to load things instantly, but no, seems it pings server for every single pixel still
When I came back next day all worked - BUT YES, still slow especially mid-evening when I had to log off as game was also unplayable on browser & client.
Click mob, wait 5 seconds, fight starts to load, wait another 5 seconds, click to hit mob, wait a second or 2, hits mob, mob dies, wait another few seconds for fight to finish as it won't let you click hunt screen immediately, click hunt screen, wait 5 seconds for hunt screen to load. And that was the client. The browser was 3 times worse as even loading a location screen took up to 20 seconds when walking (I used location timer to check!)
One hitting mobs taking at least 20 seconds per fight = unplayable for me waiting around for things to load.
Then I updated client which took ages (why? if the game still loads super slow), cleared chache etc etc etc.
With the time it took to update (90+ minutes) and all the files it updated I would expect everything to be there on my PC for the client to load things instantly, but no, seems it pings server for every single pixel still

When I came back next day all worked - BUT YES, still slow especially mid-evening when I had to log off as game was also unplayable on browser & client.
Click mob, wait 5 seconds, fight starts to load, wait another 5 seconds, click to hit mob, wait a second or 2, hits mob, mob dies, wait another few seconds for fight to finish as it won't let you click hunt screen immediately, click hunt screen, wait 5 seconds for hunt screen to load. And that was the client. The browser was 3 times worse as even loading a location screen took up to 20 seconds when walking (I used location timer to check!)
One hitting mobs taking at least 20 seconds per fight = unplayable for me waiting around for things to load.
Battlefield: Plateau of Silence, Year 134
it is impossible to see your reward after finish battlefield, as game kick off me from screen in regular place i have been before battlefield
after 2 defeats, i see that i didn't get any trophy hunter reputations as stated in news...
got 1 Mark of the Fearless Warrior
and 2 Silver Sacrificial Coin
after 2 defeats, i see that i didn't get any trophy hunter reputations as stated in news...
got 1 Mark of the Fearless Warrior
and 2 Silver Sacrificial Coin

New card deck upgrades dont work
As per the pages and pages of faults on this game I would like the following rectified if possible. I appreciate due to the busy nature of admin this may take 3 Years to sort out but at least gives fellow players a warning before bothering to waste so large amounts of gold on trash that does not work.
Forgive me if I am misinformed and there is a secret way of unlocking this deck but I was under the impression of the following:
To obtain this deck you are required to obtain 3 (Green normal) Bless decks + combine with the designated amount of card essence to receive this specific deck.
You are then to proceed to getting 6 green decks total + card essence to make the purple rage deck.
Why is it that I currently have far more card essence than is needed plus 1 blue deck + 3 green deck in my backpack, however when trying to create the final deck it says that I cannot make a secondary blue deck because I already posses one in my backpack? "Requirements are 2 blue deck to make purple".
The ultimate question is how can I create a secondary blue deck when it says I already have one in my Backpack even though you are supposed to be allowed or meant to make 2 blue decks to make the purple one?
Once again I am not suprised that there are issues, however it does become more serious when other players are allowed to access things that other players are not.
I dont even know what to say at this point. Maybe I will get a response in 3 Years...
Forgive me if I am misinformed and there is a secret way of unlocking this deck but I was under the impression of the following:
To obtain this deck you are required to obtain 3 (Green normal) Bless decks + combine with the designated amount of card essence to receive this specific deck.
You are then to proceed to getting 6 green decks total + card essence to make the purple rage deck.
Why is it that I currently have far more card essence than is needed plus 1 blue deck + 3 green deck in my backpack, however when trying to create the final deck it says that I cannot make a secondary blue deck because I already posses one in my backpack? "Requirements are 2 blue deck to make purple".
The ultimate question is how can I create a secondary blue deck when it says I already have one in my Backpack even though you are supposed to be allowed or meant to make 2 blue decks to make the purple one?
Once again I am not suprised that there are issues, however it does become more serious when other players are allowed to access things that other players are not.
I dont even know what to say at this point. Maybe I will get a response in 3 Years...

Огранка камней духов
Добро пожаловать воин. Если вам когда-нибудь встретится осколок камня духов, я смогу изготовить из него могущественные элементы для улучшения рун.
Found that tonight at Esmeril the Jeweller !
Is this some bug or what, all in russian, ...
Is there announcement for new things!? I didn't saw it here !
Found that tonight at Esmeril the Jeweller !
Is this some bug or what, all in russian, ...
Is there announcement for new things!? I didn't saw it here !

Добро пожаловать воин. Если вам когда-нибудь встретится осколок камня духов, я смогу изготовить из него могущественные элементы для улучшения рун.
Found that tonight at Esmeril the Jeweller !
Is this some bug or what, all in russian, ...
Is there announcement for new things!? I didn't saw it here !
+1 what is all this?
And please fix Russian text when people highlight it as it never gets fixed

Underwater Armour - It should now be possible to use UW armour again. Please note: Information on UW bug abuse.
Card decks - Issue has been reported and is being investigated.
Untranslated text - there were small updates of content in the game yesterday and as a result, some text still appears in Russian. This is currently being worked on.
Card decks - Issue has been reported and is being investigated.
Untranslated text - there were small updates of content in the game yesterday and as a result, some text still appears in Russian. This is currently being worked on.
Underwater Armour - It should now be possible to use UW armour again. Please note: Information on UW bug abuse.
Just to clarify, can we still use Bows, Rings, Amulets & Flags/Banners like it's always been?
Correct. This is specifically for armour itself.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 30th 2022, 3:36pm)