What was King Magish´s part to fulfill in the deal he made with Gorbakh?
Emperor Gorbakh and King Magish were rulers of different lands. Emperor Gorbakh's lust for more and more territory led him to raise a huge armor and try to conquer the world. He was doing well and when he seemed likely to conquer Magish's lands too, Magish made a deal with the god of the dead and the damned. The deal Magish made with the god was to receive the power needed to stop Gobakh and his army. In exchange, Magish agreed to become the Dark Governor of the surrounding lands and collect souls to help the unnamed god become powerful and subdue the world.
And did he fulfill it?
Sadly, he did become the Dark Governor and made some attempts to collect souls. His valid short term worries about losing a fight to the mortal emperor Gorbakhh overcame his previous style of intelligent leadership. To make such a poor bargain with a despised, unnamed, dead god just to keep the kingdom out of the possession of another ruler was not well thought. Gorbakh died and his empire fell almost directly after Magish defeated him. Magish should have waited a bit and maybe just poisoned a glass of wine for Gorbakh or something. Instead, Magish ended up trapped in what appears to be game eternity inside a gloomy palace with people who don't even want to be with him. He enslaved others too including his previously good looking but now literally rotten wife because he was worried about being lonely in eternity. Luckily, the inhabitants of his lands imprisoned him in his palace and somewhat mitigated his silly bargain. He gets killed daily and probably hourly in exchange for reputation.