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Sunday, December 5th 2021, 6:35pm

Recent bug

Hello, I just noticed there is a new bug in game, i know I will not get rewarded for reporting it but I find it fair to do so.

Last time I was checking, 50b and 100b certs in fair were at normal price and now they are like 3 times more expensive. I am sure you did not notice that cause we were not informed, so I hope bug will be fixed soon.

Have a great december :xmasparty:


Sunday, December 5th 2021, 6:41pm

This change has been reported already and it seems it is intended.

While I agree it may be useful to be given advance notice on these types of changes, there is no obligation for such and it is unlikely it will be announced in advance.

(P.S Yes, advance notice on this would have helped me too - I had enough thalers for certificates with the legacy system.)

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