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Today, 9:58am

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Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "nero85"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Lets Take A Poll"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Lottery tickets"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "Ase"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Continent defender reputation"

Today, 9:58am

Post in thread: "Question"

Today, 9:58am

Post in thread: "MESLEK BULMACALARI (Profession Puzzles)"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March Draw"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Effect/valour rate at Talaar"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:58am

Post in thread: "uh... what's that?"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Bonecrusher Weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Zarlogs and Maurinas lv 16+"

Today, 9:58am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Chess"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Attack rule: Stay or remove?"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Disqualification?"

Today, 9:58am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Liusaidh's Challenges in June 2019"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw"

Today, 9:58am

Guestbook of "chocoapple"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "Tigerhp"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw -"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Invasion of Chaos Missing?"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Magic Lasso"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Antiquarian Robbery"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "On the Trail of Evil Quest"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Treasure Hunters map quest after 3000 Rep."

Today, 9:58am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Back to School Week - Tuesday: Physics!"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "So Level 14 Humans can attack level 6 mag on Mag Land???"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[ITEM] Conlegret Cards"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[EFFECTS] How to buff right?"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - MARCH Draw"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "rings and amulets disappeared, as well as belts"

Today, 9:58am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - DECEMBER Draw"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Turkish"

Today, 9:58am

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Matchday 12.06.2021"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Professions - Guide"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[REPUTATION] Arbiters of Fate"

Today, 9:58am

Forum: "Hall of Languages"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "_Juliamaus_"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Game having another DDS attack?"

Today, 9:58am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "_blade_"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "What are the Chances?"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Armour styles"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Cause of the sickness"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Professions - Guide"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[EFFECTS]How to remove!"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "abcwin"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Level-dependent pots of gold"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Help with reputation swap between eldive and kroffdor"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "orrin"

Today, 9:58am

Main Page

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Who is online?

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:58am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Seasonal Event Bosses"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:58am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Post in thread: "Gaming"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Faeo under the control of darkness (2017)"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Level-dependent pots of gold"

Today, 9:58am

Guestbook of "mellon collie"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Kennel Drop..."

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:58am


Today, 9:58am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:58am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw"

Today, 9:58am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:58am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Guestbook of "-angelVSdevil-"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am

Today, 9:57am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:57am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am

Guestbook of "mellon collie"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Game guide / Walkthrough"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Curiosity"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:57am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary Draw"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Antiquarian Robbery"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Invincible Shadow got lost..."

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "A little particularity abt new weapon enpowerment system"

Today, 9:57am

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Thread: "About ring/Divorce procedure"

Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Schatten-Quests"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[MARCH EVENT] Carnival in Faeo"

Today, 9:57am

Post in thread: "Achievement monsters"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[MARCH EVENT] Carnival in Faeo"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Guestbook of "mellon collie"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[QUEST] Magic Megaphone - Magmar Versiyon"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Meridian Vaults"

Today, 9:57am

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Others"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

User profile of: "NewsBringeR"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Guestbook of "mellon collie"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Schatten-Quests"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Flash not loading in Chrome"

Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "April Fools Joke?? 100g FINE!"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Hall of Languages"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:57am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Proposition to Admin for Change of Rules"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Magmars"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Deja Vu - Commentator's Elixir of Speed Unusable Until Level 6"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "massive lag issue"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Attack rule: Stay or remove?"

Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:57am

Contacting "Plotous60_228" via Messenger

Today, 9:57am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Stop it ! Get some help !"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am

Guestbook of "mellon collie"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Lottery tickets"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Battle of Chaos+Day of the warrior+sands of time= what?"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "Red"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Parts of red weapon and bow Trade Fair"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Character loading problems"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "A Guide to Using the New Exchange Feature in Auction"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am

Guestbook of "mellon collie"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Gorbakh's Mace"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "client and tips for returning player"

Today, 9:57am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Auto-eating seasonal food"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "Chess"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "SELL"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Today, 9:57am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:57am

User profile of: "Nightw7ng"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: ""Enchanted" Guards"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Bonecrusher Weapons"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "About the "new" attack rules"

Today, 9:57am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Herald"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Traging Journey Across The Seven Seas"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "386"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[Guide] Mystras"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Clearing cookies and cache"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:57am

Who is online?

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:57am

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - August draw"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw"

Today, 9:57am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am


Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:57am

Main Page

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:57am

Today, 9:57am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "For Admins!"

Today, 9:57am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:56am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:56am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Divorce procedure - Humans"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "Matchday 26-06-2018"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Spirit of the Sleeping Warrior - Guide"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Human atacks on Underwater"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Purple gear [16LVL+]"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:56am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:56am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Tallaarr"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Negative effects!"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "northern"

Today, 9:56am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "BF'sreally need fixing!"

Today, 9:56am

Main Page

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread April 2017"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Just a rant on the biasness of the people upholding rules of the game"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Fellow Admins can you hear player problem?"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Money"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "X-Big-Frank-X"

Today, 9:56am

Guestbook of "TheAncient"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Question about moroks on plateau - event"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Divorce procedure - Humans"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "Request for administrators and guard / Is the game everyone's game?"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread April 2017"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "yorn"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Money"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Kaninchenbau-Generator"

Today, 9:56am

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "Kasap_bymehmet"

Today, 9:56am

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Clan Wars : this unkown 'thing'..."

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:56am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary Draw"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Clan Wars : this unkown 'thing'..."

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "When people invade during the unbreak event and you try hard to fish some magmar fish for achivement and get lost souled xD"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: ""A Juggernaut Trophy for the Tenth Anniversary quest""

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "TraceyG21920"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "Rule 6 about executions: will we get that update too?"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "XYMAN"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Mysterious Experience Statue is really Mysterious (read it as bugged)"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Elxir"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Article 3"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Problem with new Wheel of Fortune quest: Crystals for Kraze Ayred"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "Divorce procedure - Humans"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:56am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "Hello"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Unexpected fighting penalty"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Lag Situation"

Today, 9:56am

Main Page

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:56am

Main Page

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "Scythe Reaper not working ?"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Main Page

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:56am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "A little particularity abt new weapon enpowerment system"

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "mellon collie"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Celebratory Trivia"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "WOD dead?Can we save it?"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw"

Today, 9:56am

Main Page

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - MARCH Draw"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Battlefields non-break - Fertival Organizer 3rd Task"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Captain obvious"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "A returning player."

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Humans"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Mystras - Skills and Professions Guide"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary Draw"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "The problem with the inactive leader"

Today, 9:56am

Post in thread: "Update"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am


Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:56am

Main Page

Today, 9:56am

User profile of: "S_Shadow"

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Enchanted Mark of the Arbiters of Fate problem refresh?"

Today, 9:56am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:56am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:56am

Thread: "You Know This Game Is Dead When....."

Today, 9:55am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "In Search for Korlak: Ancient Grimoire"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Unbalanced player transfer"

Today, 9:55am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Dungeon of the FORGOTTEN Heroes REPUTATION"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Human Mentor feelings hurt"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves"

Today, 9:55am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Skill puzzle during picking- herbologist"

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Problems with the "map""

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[REPUTATION] Arbiters of Fate"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "July Draw?"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Everything OK with the Servers?"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "Bulgarian"

Today, 9:55am

User profile of: "FedaiTR"

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "Under Water World"

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[PVP] Crystalline Cave"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "Matchday 30-06/01-07-2018"

Today, 9:55am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Fighting the Mysterious Zarlog [12] <<organiser quest"

Today, 9:55am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[MARCH EVENT] Carnival in Faeo"

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Battle Pass - Ulvarno season - Türkçe"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "City Arena Non break Items + No exp"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - DECEMBER Draw"

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "Back to School Week - Monday: Maths!"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Chaos battle (lv6)"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Taking the time to thank developers and Admins"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "missing statue of experience"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "Guide to be DS clan member"

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[QUEST] Niebiański czas - Celestial time"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September Draw"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:55am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:55am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[INFO) Big Fat Monthly Lottery"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "In Search of an Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Red (Worship) Badges Requirements - Guide"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "OTHER] Valor or Reputation?"

Today, 9:55am

Today, 9:55am

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "[PvP] COM too lazy?"

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Anniversary Dailies"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "no answer from support"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Flash Player Issue"

Today, 9:55am

User profile of: "T-DeAdLY-J"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Evolved chicken. But backwards."

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Infiltration to the Chaos badlands quest bugged!"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Taking the time to thank developers and Admins"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Mount From Rep Rating"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Guestbook of "xl_Arion 1st_lx"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Coming back to the game"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw"

Today, 9:55am

Today, 9:55am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:55am

User profile of: "KuroNikki"

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Being a looter,is that really evilish?"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:55am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:55am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:55am


Today, 9:55am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:55am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:55am

User profile of: "Lady Astra"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:55am

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Some problems with the client and Flash Player"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Shadow of a Beast quest bugued"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Level 12-14's guide to the Exiles Fortress"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw"

Today, 9:55am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February Draw"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Skill puzzle during picking- herbologist"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Main Page

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Level 16 Chests?"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Level 19"

Today, 9:55am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Mystic Rep"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[Quest] The Smoke that Chases Nightmares Away"

Today, 9:55am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Some problems with the client and Flash Player"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:55am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:55am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Battle Pass Guide"

Today, 9:55am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Reward from orbs of Ergam"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "The Meowgical Guide to Faean Felines"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[PvP]Dungeon of Forgotten Heroes"

Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Magmar Mentor Applications"

Today, 9:54am

Post in thread: "Battle Chimera Metamorphosis Elixir"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "The Meowgical Guide to Faean Felines"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "FAQ - Diverse"

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Magic Lasso"

Today, 9:54am

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Client Issues"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Mark of the Fearless Warrior"

Today, 9:54am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:54am

Post in thread: "fun stuff, in game text reading"

Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:54am

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "In the Tentacles of a Dangerous Plague"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:54am

Post in thread: "[SEPTEMBER EVENT] Welcome to Las WoDas!"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Prayerful Call"

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:54am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Still egoism or already stupidity?"

Today, 9:54am

Contacting "Blood-slayer666" via Messenger

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Guide for low levels ((levels 2-4)"

Today, 9:54am

User profile of: "k_jeanne"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Wind_callers guide to hunting!"

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Game guide / Walkthrough"

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Mag to Human Vice Versa"

Today, 9:54am

User profile of: "YuraklaS"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Unspecified battle effects."

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Transfiguration Magic Quest - Explenation"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Curiosity"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Divorce procedure from 1st of April, 2015"

Today, 9:54am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:54am

User profile of: "Terra Incognita"

Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Meridian Vaults"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[FEBRUARY] Love breaks the Ice"

Today, 9:54am

User profile of: "NiLLy"

Today, 9:54am

Main Page

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:54am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Disqualification?"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[QUESTS] Korlak Questchain / Karlak Questline"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[EFFECTS] How to buff right?"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "In Search for Korlak: Ancient Grimoire"

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Results for tag "Events"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[APRIL EVENT] Easter hunt!"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Order of Triads Worship"

Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "War of Dragons Easter Event"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[REPUTATION] Arbiters of Fate"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Lost in foreign lands surounded with dark faces"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Chaotic(16-17)"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:54am

Main Page

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw - Holiday special!"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Necessary conditions for battle to begin were not met. 2 time in row )"

Today, 9:54am

Guestbook of "Threepwood"

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am


Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:54am

Main Page

Today, 9:54am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Chaotics from 3:00-9:00"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "fun stuff, in game text reading"

Today, 9:54am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "ATTN: Admins - Addition/Ammendment to Existing Attack Rules request"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Bonecrushers "Dodge" !"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: ""Luck Glow" at City Square"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:54am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:54am

Thread: "All ExE's should get a Refund"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Underground Scroll of Poisoning has non-stacking problem"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Kampf mit der Krets-Schamanin (Autor: -Blaster-)"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Wedding Application Rules"

Today, 9:53am


Today, 9:53am

Thread: "A General Guide for Levels 1-4"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Humans"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Underground Knights Quests Guide."

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "So can we keep the annniversary elixirs?"

Today, 9:53am


Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Invisible 20"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "What is up DramaAlert nation I'm your host killer Keemstar"

Today, 9:53am

Guestbook of "Threepwood"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:53am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:53am

Main Page

Today, 9:53am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:53am

Main Page

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Faeo under the control of darkness (2017)"

Today, 9:53am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:53am

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:53am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - DECEMBER Draw"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Collected gambier seeds recipe"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[HUMAN] - Amulet of Luck (Luck Glow Event)"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:53am


Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:53am

User profile of: "Tzopa"

Today, 9:53am

User profile of: "Sequana"

Today, 9:53am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Secrets of the Past and the Future"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:53am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Divorce procedure - Humans"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[HUMAN] - Amulet of Luck (Luck Glow Event)"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Stuck in Chaotic lands"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:53am

User profile of: "Sinner God"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Indistructable Artifact Quest (Неустойчивый мир)"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:53am


Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Rainbow + eye of truth = no drops"

Today, 9:53am

Main Page

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "After lastest update to attack rule"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:53am

User profile of: "Rou21"

Today, 9:53am

User profile of: "Alex321"

Today, 9:53am

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[EFFECTS] How to buff right?"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curiosity"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[PvP]Dungeon of Forgotten Heroes"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "In Search of an Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Jailed"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:53am

Main Page

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Greek"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Lets Take A Poll"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Clankriege (Autor: D l  B Ê L)"

Today, 9:53am

Main Page

Today, 9:53am

Main Page

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[OTHER]Clan Culture"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[FUN WEEK] Answer the questions"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Antiquarian Robbery"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Reward Caskets from Daily Activity - Worthwile?"

Today, 9:53am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:53am


Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Faeo under Control of Darkness - Complete Guide"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Congrats to ruining battlefields completely lol Such a joke now, no wonder people dont play anymore."

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Humans"

Today, 9:53am

Main Page

Today, 9:53am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:53am

User profile of: "dafak"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "[QUESTS] Misje z róznych poziomów - Quests from different levels"

Today, 9:53am


Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:53am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Ruins attacks"

Today, 9:53am


Today, 9:53am

User profile of: "-RebeL-_640"

Today, 9:53am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:53am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:52am

Main Page

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Forum: "Human"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:52am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:52am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:52am

Main Page

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[ITEM] Conlegret Cards"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:52am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Advice for 5 level player"

Today, 9:52am

User profile of: "Sequana"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[QUEST] Niebiański czas - Celestial time"

Today, 9:52am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:52am

User profile of: "Bad Forest"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:52am

Post in thread: "[DECEMBER EVENT] Snowger hunt - Humans"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Sky Power-up: Kretch Butcher"

Today, 9:52am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Does atoum va symbols and artisan legacy talent works on fire flower ?"

Today, 9:52am

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Stuck in Chaotic lands"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "History Books Guide"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Hack !"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Mark of the Fearless Warrior"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "dear players,i wish me better balancing,you too?"

Today, 9:52am

User profile of: "CZESTER_SnS"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Provocation"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Live Stream Removal from my com"

Today, 9:52am

Post in thread: "Wedding Application Form - Humans"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Why some human are true noobs?"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Log in issues"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Changes in "About Game" section"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "New enemies for astral hunting"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Fellow Admins can you hear player problem?"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Jester Görevi - Anniversary in Jeopardy"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Faeo under the Control of Darkness"

Today, 9:52am

User profile of: "Lenalee_Lee"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[ITEM] Conlegret Cards"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Tips on fighting th anniversary imposter"

Today, 9:52am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:52am

Post in thread: "Matchday 30-06/01-07-2018"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "March-Event: Forged on Fire!"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Report Hacked or Suspicious Characters"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:52am

Forum: "Human"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Crystaline Caves quest "The Duelist""

Today, 9:52am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:52am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Harsher punishment for no confirming"

Today, 9:52am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Rewards for Glory from "Prize Warrior Chests" - Worthwile?"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:52am

User profile of: "AJAN-6"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "problems in Deleris House"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Who's switching race?"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "ATTN ADMIN: Oddity with clan items (pic posted), please explain."

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Battlefields non-break - Fertival Organizer 3rd Task"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Battle Pass - Ulvarno season - Türkçe"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw"

Today, 9:52am

Main Page

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Game having another DDS attack?"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw"

Today, 9:52am

Post in thread: "Mercury Mirror Treatise"

Today, 9:52am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "You Know This Game Is Dead When....."

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Rewards for Offering to Urchi - Worthwile?"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Gorbakh's Mace"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Invisible fail"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:52am

Thread: "Lost in foreign lands surounded with dark faces"

Today, 9:52am

Results for tag "lepiej niz Na pl serwe"

Today, 9:52am


Today, 9:52am

Today, 9:51am

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Old red stuff"

Today, 9:51am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:51am

User profile of: "uyusuk"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Character loading problems"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[PvP] Magic Storm"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "FAQ about the Shadow"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Clearing cookies and cache"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:51am

Post in thread: "I hear voices!!"

Today, 9:51am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Not reciving Efrils...."

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "New Premium Services."

Today, 9:51am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Celestials, Pets, Super-blows, and more"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:51am

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Flash Player Issue"

Today, 9:51am

Post in thread: "Battle Standard quest"

Today, 9:51am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Professions - Guide"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "October Update [Discussion]"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "A Comprehensive Guide to Crystalline Caves"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw"

Today, 9:51am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Fern - June Event"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June Draw"

Today, 9:51am

User profile of: "Lisad"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Meridian Vaults - Opinions required"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Official Turkish server?"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[JULY] Welcome to LasWodas!"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Wedding Application Rules"

Today, 9:51am


Today, 9:51am

User profile of: "Battl3K1ng69"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:51am

Main Page

Today, 9:51am


Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Harsher punishment for no confirming"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "New Pet Quest"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Proposition to Admin for Change of Rules"

Today, 9:51am

User profile of: "Zmiatacz"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Foul Letters and Gifts"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - MARCH Draw"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "The Negators of Unarius"

Today, 9:51am


Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:51am


Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Is it end of alchemy? (lvl 90~)"

Today, 9:51am


Today, 9:51am


Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Tor browser and flash player"

Today, 9:51am

User profile of: "teeshirtofficial"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:51am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Is this classified as a negative effect? Bowl of Dead Rum"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Conlegret cards guide by SecretSanta 2nd edition (long overdue, sorry)"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[REPUTATION] Arbiters of Fate"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:51am

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Visible queue in vaults"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Inter-race fighting"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Clankriege (Autor: D l  B Ê L)"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:51am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:51am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Rewards from Precious Chests - Worthwile? A Statistic including Horseshoes..."

Today, 9:51am


Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Professions - Guide"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Guestbook of "El Gran Inmortal"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Chaos battle (lv6)"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:51am

Post in thread: "Matchday 11.06.2021"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Liusaidhs Clan War Challenge"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Battle of Chaos+Day of the warrior+sands of time= what?"

Today, 9:51am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:51am

User profile of: "gamester2012"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Quest to Ride the Brigantine Lafer"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Voluntary Checks and Voluntary Jailing"

Today, 9:51am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:50am

User profile of: "The Great Khan"

Today, 9:50am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "It's that time of the year again"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "About the "new" attack rules"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[RULES] Complaint Function"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "When exactly and why the way castle works changed?"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "alchemist"

Today, 9:50am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:50am

Main Page

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November Draw"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:50am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:50am


Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Amount of Elixirs in relation to Necrus Spheres colour?"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:50am

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[DECEMBER EVENT] Snowger hunt - Humans"

Today, 9:50am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:50am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Rumours about new rule!"

Today, 9:50am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Idea"

Today, 9:50am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Battlefield Tournement"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Proposition to Admin for Change of Rules"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[JULY] Welcome to LasWodas!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:50am

Main Page

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:50am

User profile of: "-Bubba-"

Today, 9:50am

User profile of: "edward1"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:50am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[QUESTS] Korlak Questchain / Karlak Questline"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:50am

Post in thread: "[Football from Otherworld] Matchdays 1-4"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Mirror Chest Carnival~ Show ur Stuff!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "ATTN: Admins - Addition/Ammendment to Existing Attack Rules request"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "FAQ - Diverse"

Today, 9:50am


Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Article 3"

Today, 9:50am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:50am


Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Celebratory Trivia"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "To Chronicles"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Humans"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "A little particularity abt new weapon enpowerment system"

Today, 9:50am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:50am


Today, 9:50am

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "How"

Today, 9:50am

Forum: "Welcome to Faeo"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Petition for past bf's"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[QUESTS] Korlak Questchain / Karlak Questline"

Today, 9:50am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:50am

User profile of: "carpediem666"

Today, 9:50am

Forum: "Get Married"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Magic storm in Crystalline Caves"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:50am

Post in thread: "Magmar in battle = OFF"

Today, 9:50am


Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Magmars"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Years draw"

Today, 9:50am

Forum: "Get Married"

Today, 9:50am

Main Page

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am


Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:50am

Main Page

Today, 9:50am

Forum: "Get Married"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[EFFECTS]How to remove!"

Today, 9:50am


Today, 9:50am

Thread: "helppppp for my reputations eldive"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Skill puzzle during picking- herbologist"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:50am

Forum: "Get Married"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw"

Today, 9:50am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:50am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:50am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:49am

Results for tag "Transferable"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw - Holiday special!"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Get Married"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Mystras - Skills and Professions Guide"

Today, 9:49am

User profile of: "rysiek11"

Today, 9:49am

User profile of: "Pwnani"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Crucible 16"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Effect/valour rate at Talaar"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Years draw"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Divorce procedure - Humans"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Dear Admins!!! Why?"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Will Dragon Insignia events be brought back?????"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Hall of Languages"

Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:49am

User profile of: "gwardine"

Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Provocation"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "GUIDE - Magmaren - Mystras"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Unity Ring"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Battle of Chaos+Day of the warrior+sands of time= what?"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Proposition to Admin for Change of Rules"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[QUEST] Niebiański czas - Celestial time"

Today, 9:49am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - NOVEMBER Draw"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:49am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Exe scrolls magic"

Today, 9:49am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw"

Today, 9:49am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Anti Bug POtion for May Event"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "<text152>< ![CDATA[]]></text152>"

Today, 9:49am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Rewards for Deeds - "Fortune Hunter""

Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Rewards for Deeds - "Fortune Hunter""

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Battlefield:Battle in Caves, year 386"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Invisible 20"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Level-dependent pots of gold"

Today, 9:49am

Main Page

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Game guide / Walkthrough"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[December event] Rewrite the Stars - Picture Story!"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:49am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:49am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Golden Feathered Corvus"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Attack Rules"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Off Topic"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:49am

Main Page

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Star Custodian Event and BFs"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Antiquarian Robbery"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Forum de"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Disqualification?"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Human"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Mysterious Experience Statue is really Mysterious (read it as bugged)"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:49am

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Flash Player Issue"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Mystic Initiation"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Lost in foreign lands surounded with dark faces"

Today, 9:49am

Guestbook of "Platinum_Guard"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Human"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "11th Anniversarry Pots"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Meridian Vaults"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Human"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Mystras - Skills and Professions Guide"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Complaints about Magmar Mentors"

Today, 9:49am


Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:49am

Forum: "Guards Assistance - Magmar"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "New Nepherto Hunt System (Parody)"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:49am

Post in thread: "incarnated summons"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:49am

Thread: "Flash issue"

Today, 9:48am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Guards Assistance - Magmar"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "12:46 The battle « Chaotic battle» was interrupted."

Today, 9:48am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "injust in the jail system"

Today, 9:48am

Results for tag "weapons"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Mentor Advice"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

User profile of: "Mythril"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "A little particularity abt new weapon enpowerment system"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Money"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Account sharing"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "client and tips for returning player"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Human Mentor feelings hurt"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Feedback and Ideas"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "General"

Today, 9:48am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:48am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Mystras"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Returning player advice"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Report Hacked or Suspicious Characters"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Shadow Skills"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "News and Announcements"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Report Hacked or Suspicious Characters"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Humans Mentor Applications"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[REPUTATION] Arbiters of Fate"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Apply to become Mentor"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Money"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Clan Wars - rescheduled"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Abyss will die like everything else that breaks"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "15:41 News "Magic storm on Plateau!""

Today, 9:48am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Say Hello"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[JULY] Welcome to LasWodas!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Stop taking my elixirs"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Voluntary Checks and Voluntary Jailing"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[QUESTS] Mystras Daily Quests"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "A little particularity abt new weapon enpowerment system"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Level 19"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[EFFECTS] How to buff right?"

Today, 9:48am

Main Page

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Fix Damn Lag Please"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "For Admins!"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[QUEST] Niebiański czas - Celestial time"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:48am

Post in thread: "[Football from Otherworld] Matchdays 1-4"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Login issue"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Say Hello"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Mystras - Skills and Professions Guide"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Clan wars? Your opinion is required!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Unrecognized Genius of Necromancy"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "You Know This Game Is Dead When....."

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Battlefield - Mark of Shame"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Humans"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Imbalance between races."

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Monthly chaos invasion"

Today, 9:48am

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw - Holiday special!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Just a rant on the biasness of the people upholding rules of the game"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:48am

Post in thread: "Server Issues"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Jesters Weekend Fun to the 15th Anniversary of IT Territory"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "15:41 News "Magic storm on Plateau!""

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:48am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:48am

Main Page

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Chaotic Storm"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:48am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Dissapointment in Support"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Labyrinth (for the lazy) 8 - 10 LVL"

Today, 9:48am


Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:48am

Thread: "Collected gambier seeds recipe"

Today, 9:47am

Results for tag "trade"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "A little particularity abt new weapon enpowerment system"

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[March] Romantic Dinner for Sweethearts"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:47am

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:47am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "City Charter Quests Accumulating Experience - Kretch Burrows"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Enchanted Mark of the Arbiters of Fate problem refresh?"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Update questions"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Carnival of Masks"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Playing on shared computers"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Anniversary Reputation"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw"

Today, 9:47am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:47am

User profile of: "MisterFixxer"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:47am

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[EFFECTS]How to remove!"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:47am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December Draw"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Armour Destruction Crystals"

Today, 9:47am

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Is this classified as a negative effect? Bowl of Dead Rum"

Today, 9:47am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Sacrifical Power Elixir not working"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Weekly Knowledge Test"

Today, 9:47am

Results for tag "guide"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Years draw"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "How"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Just a rant on the biasness of the people upholding rules of the game"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Humans vs Humans, Not Scroll of Attack/Exe"

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Game Rules"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Stuck in fight?"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Game guide / Walkthrough"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Recuring City Charters Quests"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Multis, Powerleveling, &amp; Spying"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[Nightmare Week] Charm against Dark Forces"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Journey to the Frozen Islands"

Today, 9:47am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "History"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "The Faeo Purge - Review!"

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "History"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Divorce procedure - Magmars"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Years draw"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Why is it so difficult to answer a question?"

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Post in thread: "[PvP] Magic Storm"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:47am

Forum: "Items/Armour"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Spirit of the Sleeping Warrior - Guide"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "How some magmar say DS act weird"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:47am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "actual situation/events-advices to admins"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Problem with quest Fragments of Secret Wisdom"

Today, 9:47am


Today, 9:47am

Main Page

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Disappearing fish from the bp"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Seeking Wisdom From Fellow Locksmith"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:47am

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "Report Hacked or Suspicious Characters"

Today, 9:47am

Thread: "jeuvenile habu leader"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "What happened to Los Wodas?"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Anniversary 2023.??"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Extensive guide to aquadome and chess peices."

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "Others"

Today, 9:46am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:46am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[QUEST] Brave New World - LABYRINTH EXPLORERS"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Turkish"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Lost in foreign lands surounded with dark faces"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:46am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Humans"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Little Q&A to Legendary Red Armor"

Today, 9:46am

Main Page

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "Others"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:46am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:46am

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December Draw"

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:46am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Congratulations?"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:46am

Main Page

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "Others"

Today, 9:46am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Lysad, Why turn tallar off while there is a event currenting active"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Chaos battle (lv6)"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "A little particularity abt new weapon enpowerment system"

Today, 9:46am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:46am

Main Page

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "-_Athenas_- and Juan Car-14"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "[Italian] Guides"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "[French] Guides"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Login issue"

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Wedding Application Form - Magmars"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Mystras - Skills and Professions Guide"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Will Dragon Insignia events be brought back?????"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Slowdown during fight"

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "[French] Guides"

Today, 9:46am

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:46am

User profile of: "Feldrick"

Today, 9:46am

User profile of: "Reddnox"

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Main Page

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Not reciving Efrils...."

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Flash Player Issue"

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "Welcome to Faeo"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "Welcome to Faeo"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Year draw"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Character loading problems"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "New enemies for astral hunting"

Today, 9:46am

Forum: "Welcome to Faeo"

Today, 9:46am

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Sacrifical Power Elixir not working"

Today, 9:46am

Main Page

Today, 9:46am


Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves"

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Level-dependent pots of gold"

Today, 9:46am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:46am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:46am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw"

Today, 9:45am

Today, 9:45am

User profile of: "Ukraine"

Today, 9:45am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue after Merge"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "Welcome to Faeo"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "On the Trail of Evil Quest"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Little Q&A to Legendary Red Armor"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "A question about rigged fight"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Rename war of dragons to Hug a dragon for the snowflakes"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:45am


Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:45am

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Carnival of Masks - Rewards ?"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Race transfers open"

Today, 9:45am

User profile of: "qwertyuiopoiuytr"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:45am


Today, 9:45am

Main Page

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion"

Today, 9:45am


Today, 9:45am

Results for tag "silver"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Question : Book of Undead Upgrade"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:45am

Post in thread: "Wedding Application Form - Magmars"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am


Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Battle training quest - blessing of warrior's have disappear"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:45am

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "the quest "Saving Korlak"."

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[QUESTS] Korlak Questchain / Karlak Questline"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Clan Wars - rescheduled"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Turn off Cave of forgotten heroes during events"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "CC's still broken after... what, 3-4 years?"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:45am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Herausforderungen der Auserwählten/Trials of the Chosen"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:45am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:45am

User profile of: "zylac"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Re Cross Knight"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Clan Wars : this unkown 'thing'..."

Today, 9:45am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[CrackerJacks Secret Diary] follow the white rabbit (Jan24)"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Crystaline Caves quest "The Duelist""

Today, 9:45am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary Draw"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Rewards for Offering to Urchi - Worthwile?"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Just a rant on the biasness of the people upholding rules of the game"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "What is up DramaAlert nation I'm your host killer Keemstar"

Today, 9:45am


Today, 9:45am

Thread: "New game rules for Old game"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Slowdown during fight"

Today, 9:45am

Post in thread: "Flash Issue in "Magical storm in the Ancient Battlefields""

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Some problems with the client and Flash Player"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Delays in ticket handling"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Curiosity"

Today, 9:45am


Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Anniversary Style Weapons"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Shadow Quests"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw - Holiday special!"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Meridian Vaults - Opinions required"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:45am

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Professions - Guide"

Today, 9:45am


Today, 9:45am

User profile of: "-RhaegaL"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Fix The Damn Game!!!!!"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:45am

Main Page

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Interesting tactic at Plat no breat River Diss"

Today, 9:45am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Snow Maiden Human elections!"

Today, 9:45am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:45am

User profile of: "Nolan_349"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:44am

Who is online?

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Lets Take A Poll"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Complain"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Battle training quest - blessing of warrior's have disappear"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Purple Gear lv16+"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Negative effects!"

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "Matchday 22-06-2016"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "In the name of the Spooktober, change the deadline of the elixirs and effects!"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw -"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:44am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Mystras - Skills and Professions Guide"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "15:41 News "Magic storm on Plateau!""

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "Request for Information: Server Issues"

Today, 9:44am

Today, 9:44am

Results for tag "nw"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Professions - Guide"

Today, 9:44am

Today, 9:44am


Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Little Q&A to Legendary Red Armor"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:44am

Main Page

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "So suspicious"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:44am

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February Draw"

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am


Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Rewards for Offering to Urchi - Worthwile?"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[EVENT] Battle Pass - Poradnik (Polish)"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Underground Knights Quests Guide."

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Thretned Hack Character"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "A Comprehensive Guide to Crystalline Caves"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Broken stuff [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[Football from Otherworld] Quarter Finals"

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Just a way for me to warn humans about something"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:44am

User profile of: "draconic"

Today, 9:44am


Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Chimera - The Terrifying Experiment Event"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Negative effects!"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion event and Faeo under invasion of darkness"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Changes Log/Important Information"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[QUEST] Misja na Wiedzę Sakralną - Sacral Knowledge Quest"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:44am

User profile of: "DrFrancesco"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Race Transfers"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "On the Trail of Evil Quest"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Little Q&A to Legendary Red Armor"

Today, 9:44am

User profile of: "Meat n Brotatoes"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Wedding between --TimeOut-- and Hardstyle_Zombie"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "Feedback and Ideas"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Rewards from Precious Chests - Worthwile? A Statistic including Horseshoes..."

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Broken Library [Post HERE!]"

Today, 9:44am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:44am

Results for tag "wind"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw -"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves"

Today, 9:44am

User profile of: "-DeathWhisperer-"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "Jesters&Heralds"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Mystras"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Chaos Invasion"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Bug: Tournament in Rumengild"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:44am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Russian in cuction"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Russian Texts in Quests [Report HERE!]"

Today, 9:44am

User profile of: "_PriviX_"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:44am

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "When admins make mistakes....."

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Unbalanced player transfer"

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November Draw"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:44am

User profile of: "Dyskordia"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Clearing cookies and cache"

Today, 9:44am

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[QUEST] Magic Megaphone - Magmar Versiyon"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Hack alert!"

Today, 9:44am


Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:44am


Today, 9:44am

Thread: "In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "City Pub"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[GUIDE] Arbiters of Fate"

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Amount of Elixirs in relation to Necrus Spheres colour?"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Ruins attacks"

Today, 9:44am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "[EFFECTS]How to remove!"

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Game Population - Players per Level and the changes"

Today, 9:44am

Forum: "Mentor Advice"

Today, 9:44am

Main Page

Today, 9:44am

Main Page

Today, 9:44am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:44am

Main Page

Today, 9:44am

Post in thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw"

Today, 9:43am

User profile of: "ozmet123"

Today, 9:43am

Creating new private message

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "[EVENT] In The Footsteps Of An Ancient Relic"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Harassment and article 9 Code of Conduct."

Today, 9:43am

Main Page

Today, 9:43am

User profile of: "SNAKEBB"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Green Tallaars"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Admin Feedback"

Today, 9:43am

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Curiosity"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Underground Knights Quests Guide."

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Issue with payments"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "Curses under Review!"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw"

Today, 9:43am

Thread: "[EVENTS] Battle Pass - Ulvarno season - Türkçe"

Today, 9:43am

Post in thread: "Russian"