Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 5787
Defeats 324
Magmars slain 11
Rank Soldier

Agility 18
Intuition 133
Protection 15
Strength 191
Vitality 79

Maximum number of crits 12
Maximum number of blocks 2
Maximum crit 94
Maximum number of dodges 3
Maximum number of deaths 1
Maximum number of kills 0
Maximum number of hits 40
Maximum crit received 94
Maximum number of misses 4
Maximum number of block blows 4

Geologist 105
Jeweller 57
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 48  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 240  

Personal information Gifts
Lives in the world of Faeo: 16 years1 day(s)
Birthday: 1 April 1986
Motto: Human fate in my hand
About you: =================
ABout Me
vadyamba [6]lost the fight
theUnderDog[5]lost the fight

samurai [6]Maverick G... [5] -137 crit

samurai [5] Purple Zig... [4] (-85 crit)
Congratulations! You have advanced to the next stage inside the fifth level. Your reward is 120 silver.

Dm BOOT prv me fast

Taking orderrrrrr

dust & Stone

Gnome Runes Infooooooooo

for all who want to know: the gnome runes:
- yaz: 100 aqua dust + 100 turq dust + collected clover --> open in ridge of kayar

- ezav: 10 green ink + 100 ameth dust + collected milfoil --> open in steppe vista

- argo: 100 agate dust + collected mistletoe + collected thistle --> open in communal graves

- khagann: 20 red ink + baby atshi + 10
weetsa the woodlouse --> open in wild forest

- Terp Gnome Rune--> foot of barrow

Directions to find the Kretch Butcher

Go Right
Go Deeper
Go Right
Go Left
Go Deeper
Go Deeper
Go Knock on the Door

Christmas Presents

Ice Heart 1 pcs, Christmas Card 1 pcs, Snowman 1 pcs, Snowball 150 pcs, Blue Hat 1 pcs, Foreign Fruit 1 pcs, Kodrag
Kebab 1 pcs, 1.