Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 28878
Defeats 2524
Magmars slain 174
Rank Marshall
School of Magic: Air

Agility 184
Intuition 590
Protection 68
Strength 1034
Vitality 615

Durability 2305
Initiative 43

Concentration 19
Intellect 159
Suppression 24
Will 20
Wisdom 958

Popularity 228

Victories in great battles 219
Participation in Great Battles 485
Maximum number of crits 96
Maximum number of blocks 19
Maximum crit 5192
Maximum number of dodges 37
Maximum number of deaths 2
Maximum number of kills 42
Maximum number of hits 295
Maximum crit received 6340
Maximum number of misses 57
Maximum number of block blows 21

Professions Estate
Fisherman 324
Sorcerer 329
Locksmith 329
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 1559  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 10220  

Personal information
Lives in the world of Faeo: 6 years3 month(s) 25 day(s)