Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Magmars
Victories 39015
Defeats 1173
Humans slain 56
Rank Higher Master
School of Magic: Fire

Agility 219
Intuition 581
Protection 145
Strength 1133
Vitality 743

Durability 2510
Initiative 104

Concentration 53
Intellect 189
Suppression 98
Will 5
Wisdom 1064

Popularity 146

Orc Heads delivered 70

Victories in great battles 788
Participation in Great Battles 1249
Maximum number of crits 214
Maximum number of blocks 20
Maximum crit 10049
Maximum number of dodges 23
Maximum number of deaths 2
Maximum number of kills 337
Maximum number of hits 351
Maximum crit received 30516
Maximum number of misses 26
Maximum number of block blows 14

Rating 781
Rating at current level 36
Clan Czarna Kompania
Rank Oficer

Professions Estate
Geologist 329
Sorcerer 329
Locksmith 329
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 2194  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 14785  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Kasia
Lives in the world of Faeo: 2 year(s) 2 month(s) 1 day(s)
Birthday: 11 July
Region: Poland
Motto: Ludzie inteligentni mają mniej przyjaciół niż przeciętny człowiek. Im jesteś mądrzejszy, tym bardziej selektywny się stajesz.
About you: I do not speak English very well. -kalkurator superciosów

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