This lovely she-warrior has no need for luxurious palaces and golden crowns for Winter itself has crowned her with sparkling snow!
New Year celebrations are a time for fun without a care in the world, when you can forget your troubles and spend time among your loved ones and your friends.
Ещё не все подарки доставлены, а места всё меньше и меньше! Герои Огрия толкаются на пороге, словно штурмуют магмарскую крепость, — каждый хочет первым вручить дар этой прекрасной воительнице.
Be careful and do not look the mistress of the snowstorm in the face! A look from her crystal clear and all-knowing eyes could freeze a heart...
Hope and joyful yearning brightened the separation and the long-awaited meeting will be sweet.
With her arrival, the forest comes alive with sounds of joy, little animals come out with their new shiny fur and snowflakes like diamonds are shining on the branches of trees. Everyone greets the winter caller, who is followed by the wondrous Ellan — a magical steed who's not afraid of blizzards and harsh winter winds.
What caused ice to melt around this beauty pie? Hot fountainhead or looks of amazed warriors?
