Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 62265
Defeats 6809
Magmars slain 163
Rank War Master

Agility 190
Intuition 533
Protection 135
Strength 577
Vitality 457

Durability 1340
Initiative 119

Concentration 25
Intellect 59
Suppression 25
Will 25
Wisdom 169

Popularity 183

Подарено браслетов 21

Victories in great battles 256
Participation in Great Battles 562
Maximum number of crits 104
Maximum number of blocks 31
Maximum crit 7415
Maximum number of dodges 59
Maximum number of deaths 2
Maximum number of kills 57
Maximum number of hits 477
Maximum crit received 7401
Maximum number of misses 38
Maximum number of block blows 18

Rating 1969
Rating at current level 41
Clan Maximum Disrespect
Rank Neuling
Calling Mentor 

Professions Estate
Geologist 179
Jeweller 179
Locksmith 179
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 1517  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 9394  

Personal information Gifts
Lives in the world of Faeo: 5 years3 month(s) 26 day(s)
Region: Poland
Motto: PL/ENG Mentor
About you: Selling :
Fiery Carelian - 2,7s/1
Dragon Blood - 3,5s/1
Dragon Blood dust - 1,1s/1

18:26 Player Gladiator -Serafiei- [6] won 1275 in «Golden Bandit»!

18:52 Player Gladiator -Serafiei- [6] won 1150 in «Golden Bandit»!

14:09 Szczeście uśmiechnęło się do ciebie! Oprócz zwykłej nagrody, w twoje ręce wpada również Szczęśliwa statuetka Sżegura 1 szt. 8000 g

16:34 After opening one of the chests, -Serafiei- has found Sands of Renewal.

20:25 After opening one of the chests, -Serafiei- has found a Cerrador Amulet.

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Saved fights
Fight against monsters 2 Cerberki :3