Welcome to Warofdragons! The Mentor Team is happy to see you!
The Mentors are here to help you! If you have any questions regarding the game, you can always contact a mentor via mail, forum or directly in the chat! Don't be afraid, we don't bite, that's what we are here for! Here is some information that may help you: The Holy Library is your best choice if you are looking for a specific information, whereas the Forum is the perfect place to ask questions and find out what other players have done. Maybe you are not looking for a mentor but you have questions regarding the rules and you are in need of a guard's help? Then hurry up and contact Magmar Guards! Justice shall be served!
Don't forget also about the Seasonal Events and Rewards, Reputation Rating and the Reputations, Battlefields and Special Events! Perhaps you will understand everything without our help! By the way, have you seen the Guides? Honestly, there is a lot of interesting things there! You can even find the Worship Quests and the Labyrinth Bosses!
Not interested in asking questions but you feel like you can contribute to the team and make War of Dragons an even better and more helpful place? We are always looking for new, motivated people to join our growing teams! Then visit the Application Form and apply today! Remember, Mentors are in a privileged position of trust and thou shalt not disobey the Code.
Sometimes problems are technical and beyond the reach of mentors. If you face errors in the game, the Technical Support is the place you should contact! Help is just a ticket away!

The Mentors are always ready to help you with all your questions about the gameplay. Don't hesitate, we have cookies!
Колесо судьбы катится, ломая кости: созревший колос должен быть срезан, герой падёт, твердыня обратится в пыль… Без жалости и сомнений вершит свою жатву этот воитель, и, похоже, немилосердные боги направляют его смертоносный клинок.
Если плохо себя вести весь год, под ёлочкой будет ждать не ценный подарок, а кусок угля. Ах так? Ничего, ещё пожалеют... Этот воин уверен: в следующем году они у него попляшут!
There’s no such thing as impossible for this hero, no obstacles stand in his way! He has completed the Challenges of the Chosen to the end, and he has gained the indisputable right to take on a form reminiscent of this mighty and ancient race.
This warrior has performed many feats on the surface of Faeo - now is the time for the walls of the underground Limbo to shake. His weapon mercilessly mows down the onrushing waves of creatures, and the axe’s blade shines bright even in the gloom that reigns here!
The mountain, looming on the horizon, is sacred to the Genies. But a Magmar who has arrived at its slopes with pure thoughts and an open heart will not be left without a wonderful gift either.
14 лет исполнилось Фэо, и все эти годы мир Великих драконов держался на плечах доблестных воителей, не знающих ни страха, ни упрёка. Настоящий герой Хаира и во время торжеств всегда впереди, всегда среди лучших! Свершив немало подвигов во славу магмарского народа, он по праву может праздновать, восседая на троне победителя.
One glance will make anyone who catches the attention of the executioner, who is not from this world, tremble.
The warrior threw the light curtain aside and entered the sorceress's chamber. Blinded by her beauty, he bent down on one knee and handed her the rose. He had never been so afraid. Of course, she would throw him out, for this was madness! The warrior was already about to leave when he felt the warmth of her hand on his cheek and the tenderness of her breath on his lips. And then he understood that they had gained true happiness.
This valiant warrior feels the gaze of Striagorn all around and that fills his heart with a burning bravery. And however dense the human ranks, his axe will break through!
There are rumours that this mage knows the language of the beasts... Day after day he sends a predator servant to protect his cold lands...
One glance will make anyone who catches the attention of the executioner, who is not from this world, tremble.
Against the cold of the grave he set the blessed steel, against the hunger of death - courage and virtue.
