Her spells send armies of enemies running away from the battlefield in fear. Her looks drop armies of admirers to her knees.
The balloon’s basket almost grazes the tops of the frost-laden trees. Below, the lights of the cozy villages of Khair are flickering and the northern lights illuminate the sky. There’s a festive mood, with the New Year breeze carrying you all the way!
A snow-white bird always accompanies this skilled sorceress, who uses all her power to help the weakest inhabitants of Faeo, suffering from the brutal cold.
Вдвоем против самых страшных порождений Фэо! Леди Мария из мира Эргам прикрывает спину доблестной магмарке в битве с тварями, которых подняла из могил проклятая королева Селеста. Победу вырвать нелегко, но союз двух воительниц не отступит!