Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 642
Defeats 282
Magmars slain 108
Rank Warrior

Agility 126
Intuition 11
Protection 10
Strength 155
Vitality 48

Participation in Great Battles 2
Maximum number of crits 32
Maximum number of blocks 7
Maximum crit 96
Maximum number of dodges 32
Maximum number of deaths 1
Maximum number of kills 1
Maximum number of hits 89
Maximum crit received 163
Maximum number of misses 25
Maximum number of block blows 26

Herbologist 59
Alchemist 45
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 123  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 705  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Martin
Lives in the world of Faeo: 13 years4 month(s) 25 day(s)
Birthday: 2 September 1989
Region: Germany
Motto: Valor player
About you: sometimes I am playing from my girlfriends IP. Please don'T ban me.

07.04.11 16:58 You have exchanged 114000 Valor for the rank of Warrior.

.......................•°*”`.•°*”` *** >> Drops<< `”*°•.`”*°•. ..............................

10.04.11 18:06 Sum of received Mammoth Cuisses 1 pcs
10.04.11 18:46 Sum of received Twilight Katana 1 pcs