Life is a stage of a theater, where comedy is succeeded by drama. Nobody knows this best than Master of Performance.
Через межмирную границу, длинными подземными коридорами, сквозь тьму, скрывающую опасных тварей… Нелегкий путь пришлось пройти магмарскому воину, чтобы сразиться с проклятой королевой Селестой! Зато весть об этой славной победе разнесётся сразу по двум мирам - бескрайнему городу Эргаму и благословенному Фэо.
There’s no such thing as impossible for this hero, no obstacles stand in his way! He has completed the Challenges of the Chosen to the end, and he has gained the indisputable right to take on a form reminiscent of this mighty and ancient race.
You will live through the new year the same way you see it in! Winter festivities are a perfect opportunity to be with the loved ones and have fun time with friends non-stop.
No matter how hard artisans work on advanced locking devices to keep this natural burglar out of their magical chests and boxes, it all will be for naught! This cunning expert in all manner of cogs and gadgets and enchanted keyholes cracks well-protected vaults like regular walnuts and then contemplates whatever lies within!
He comes out of the darkness and returns at twilight, after scoring another victory. Even Mirrow hides its face behind a mourning veil when this mage appears.
Against the cold of the grave he set the blessed steel, against the hunger of death - courage and virtue.