Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 27968
Defeats 1445
Magmars slain 148
Rank Captain

Agility 380
Intuition 54
Protection 95
Strength 499
Vitality 227

Durability 465
Initiative 50

Intellect 105
Wisdom 231

Popularity 175

Victories in great battles 179
Participation in Great Battles 419
Maximum number of crits 39
Maximum number of blocks 42
Maximum crit 27218
Maximum number of dodges 94
Maximum number of deaths 4
Maximum number of kills 32
Maximum number of hits 391
Maximum crit received 64550
Maximum number of misses 46
Maximum number of block blows 46
Clan Jedi Order
Rank Jedi Watchman

Professions Estate
Fisherman 179
Sorcerer 179
Healer 2
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 1241  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 8047  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Drago Naxe
Lives in the world of Faeo: 14 years4 month(s) 5 day(s)
Region: Canada
Motto: Live Hard, Work Hard and Play Incredibly Hard
About you: ╔═════╗
║Selling ║
0000 In Stock --> Twilight Amur
0000 In Stock --> Silver Tench
0000 In Stock --> Diamond Salmon
0000 In Stock --> Crimson Sterlet
0000 In Stock --> Azure Salmon

05500 In Stock --> Purple Heals (Lvl 3)
01200 In Stock --> Purple Poisons (Lvl 9)
00000 In Stock --> Purple Resurrection (Lvl 9)


Healing Level 2 Wounds --> (8s or 1 Skull)/4hrs

Alalaila (Lvl 7+) --> (2.7g)/2Hrs

║ Orders║
4759 Sturgeon

║Ordered ║

║ Owed to Me ║
Nothing sky owes 14 Coal
its1715 owes 50 Collected Milfoil
Warlordekkie 1.4
Mentor Info Site:
Calculators: Coming Soon
Saved fights
Battlefield 2nd in halls
Battlefield First In Tallars
Battlefield So close
Battlefield 113 Green Crystals